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Namur: Do you even know strawman means ? Yeah, i didn't think so either.
bazilisek: As it happens, I do. And unless you can actually point me in the direction of a user who has "a post record of 99.99% post/replyes on one one subjcet and one subject alone", I will continue to maintain your argument is built on a strawman.
Regardless of that bit the rest of his point stands. If you bring up one side of the extremism you claim is on this board(Not saying it is or isn't with this post btw) and not the other you're looking to be very one-sided.
bazilisek: unless you can actually point me in the direction of a user who has "a post record of 99.99% post/replyes on one one subjcet and one subject alone", I will continue to maintain your argument is built on a strawman.
Yeah, right. That' a very clever, albeit not very subtle, attempt to assign me a role. I'll chalk it up as a side effect of all that role assignement for the mafia game then, shall i ? But yeah, cute.

Poeple are to observe and reach their own conclusions, i'm not here to do that for you or anybody else. See, it's self appopinted experts on matters of 'extremism' who should probably do their own homework before summarily dismissing other people's statements as strawman. I stand by my statement about post/replies history btw.
Namur: snip
I honestly have no idea at all what are you trying to say here, and I find myself unable to care. This discussion is boring, anyway. Good day.
Namur: snip
bazilisek: I honestly have no idea at all what are you trying to say here, and I find myself unable to care. This discussion is boring, anyway. Good day.
Oh c'mon, OP already did the whole "I don't care for this anymore so i'm taking my ball and running off with it" routine. That's so old hat.
GameRager: Oh c'mon, OP already did the whole "I don't care for this anymore so i'm taking my ball and running off with it" routine. That's so old hat.
The ef? I said I was going to bed. But now I am definitely out.
Elenarie: The ef? I said I was going to bed. But now I am definitely out.
You have to remember that Gamerager is the second biggest idiot on the internet. Take a breather and pay no heed to his incoherent mumblings.

The rest of us still love you.
bazilisek: I honestly have no idea at all what are you trying to say here, and I find myself unable to care. This discussion is boring, anyway. Good day.
You confused me wih someone else and invited me to take on the role of promoter of a witch hunt to back up my statement, to which i replied "No, i won't be doing that because that would be wrong on many different levels of wrongness, that's not what i'm about, and that's definitely not the kind of goings ons i come to gog for, so if you're genuinely interested in the subject i'm affraid you'll have to look it up for yourself".

Hope that makes it clearer for you.

Good day, have fun.
GameRager: Oh c'mon, OP already did the whole "I don't care for this anymore so i'm taking my ball and running off with it" routine. That's so old hat.
Elenarie: The ef? I said I was going to bed. But now I am definitely out.
Shite, I mixed you up with someone bad. Someone else pulled that in here...when the debate got too hot for them and they kept getting called on things they basically said they were leaving in a seemingly "silly" manner and someone replied to it. Sorry about that.
Elenarie: The ef? I said I was going to bed. But now I am definitely out.
TheJoe: You have to remember that Gamerager is the second biggest idiot on the internet. Take a breather and pay no heed to his incoherent mumblings.

The rest of us still love you.
Name calling & only popping in seemingly to rant about me....and you call me an idiot. Pot calling the kettle black much?

OP: I take Joe's advice and say ignore him, or at least that one post. Joe seems to be obsessed with trolling/insulting me whenever he/she can, for some reason. At any rate I mixed you up with someone else in this thread with that last comment and I apologize, if it means anything.
Post edited May 24, 2012 by GameRager
Okay, since this has gone in a totally different way than I was expecting (was expecting to be bashed and trash talked personally, but definitely didn't want to spark some bashing / whatever between you guys), can this thread just please die?
Elenarie: Okay, since this has gone in a totally different way than I was expecting (was expecting to be bashed and trash talked personally, but definitely didn't want to spark some bashing / whatever between you guys), can this thread just please die?
I'm done with it myself. I'm sorry that this happened, personally.(And once more sorry for the comment above.....I mistook you for someone else due to being up for a good while/paritally bad memory/my own stupidity at not double checking names/etc) What say we just let the topic continue on as per normal, or do you think the thread not salvageable?
You now what all this drama reminds me of? Fawlty Towers. Remember the Germans episode?
I'm pretty much with SimonG on this one. I probably get labelled a Blizzard fanboy on this forum, simply because I defend Blizzard on the occasion. I play a lot of Blizzard games and I give them constant flak for a lot of design decisions, as do a lot of people on this forum. What irks me is the inability to do so in a constructive manner. Give credit where it's due and give flak where it's due.

Blizzard releases D3. Millions buy the game. Thousands experience lag, complain about it on forums. Servers are taken down for a few hours at a time for maintenance. Blizzard is working on the issue.
Typical hater: "Blizzard is shit, released a broken game, I want my money back, fucking sellouts, fuck DRM, etc, etc."
Blizzard releases a game balancing hotfix. Response: "Fucking sellouts for the nerf camp!"

GOG releases a game. Game is released with universal bugs for every single user. Multiple people cannot even get the game running. Support tickets go answered for a week+.
GOG is championing users' rights.

Is it really that difficult to have some objectivity on the topic?

Voila, after this attempt I will probably be labelled a Blizzard fanboy again. To get my own views out there - as I have not even expressed them yet - principally I am against always-online, DRM, as well as other aesthetic design decisions made by Blizzard re D3 and other games.

But ultimately, myself and millions others bought the game and simply want to talk about the actual game. The DRM topic has been discussed over and over and over in a bazillion threads in this forum. None of you have anything to add on the topic that hasn't been said yet. Give it a rest.

e: didn't have time to finish my post earlier but just wanted to point out that this "Either you're with us or against us" attitude is childish at best, idiotic at worst.
Post edited May 24, 2012 by FraterPerdurabo
Gonchi: You now what all this drama reminds me of? Fawlty Towers. Remember the Germans episode?
I watched a few episodes of that, and found it quite funny. I simply must watch it again someday......along with all the other shows I missed, like Battlestar Galactica(new one), The Doctor Who series(old and new), McGyver(saw many but love to rewatch), etc.
orcishgamer: Technically the comment was a one or two liner expressing simply the fact that they didn't think that the subject of Diablo 3 game play and D3's DRM solution were completely separable. It wasn't complaining about DRM, it was complaining about the premise of the thread, whether it's a valid premise or not, the premise was not about DRM but about whether the anything about D3 can be completely separated from said DRM. Given the design of the game it may very well be a valid point and probably was a propos to said thread.
GameRager: Funnily enough I said almost the same thing(Not as eloquently I admit, but...) a few posts back or so....
Well, great minds and all that... though this great mind is too harried to read all the posts before shooting off his mouth;)
FraterPerdurabo: ...
I'm genuinely curious, if you have 6 minutes plus the time to answer, what you think of this:

In a nutshell I think that touches on all the major points of criticism that I've had, and I think they're all very valid.

I'm not defending irrational criticism other than to say that often it's engendered by genuine frustration and a lack of ability to identify and verbalize (or whatever the internet equivalent may be) the true nature and reasons for said frustration.

Yes, there is irrational criticism, but there's also irrational defense. It's fair to label the folks irrationally defending Blizzard's actual mess-ups and obvious double speak (in the cases where they are presenting said double speak as their "message"). There's a lot of legitimate criticism and it's being frequently ignored by those inclined to enjoy D3 (and Blizzard's other products) put up with whatever inconveniences may arise (or not arise much in their cases) in order to do so.
Post edited May 25, 2012 by orcishgamer
orcishgamer: snorp
You know, I like them your posts in the drunk thread better ....

speaking of which...