anjohl: 2) Deus Ex. Held by so many as the ultimate game, for me the terrible controls and archaic engine render it unplayable. Likely a victim of my "has to be played initially while it's current tech" theory.
There are mods to improve the graphics, even with the dated graphics I think it is awesome.
To stay on topic, my three largest let downs that I remember are:
Deus ex: Invisible war; While the graphics were improved, they lost their dark atmosphere and gained a plastic-ish one. The dumbed down inventory and game mechanics were VERY annoying as I don't see why they even had to be removed for a console. I also feel that the combat moved from a more tactical Deus 1 to run and gun in Deus 2.
The greatest pity is that the game is actually decent, it just could not live upto the original and a large part of that was due to intentional alterations. (Note: there are mods out there which improve the graphics, I still recommend this as a game to play, just don't expect a game as good as deus ex).
Hopefully Deus ex 3 will return to the excellence that was the original, it is sounding good so far.
Neverwinter nights: *Sigh* From Baldur's gate 1+2 to NWN was such a disappointment, the main storyline has some interesting moments, but very few and very short. Moving from a 6 man-party to controlling just one person largely removed the tactics and thought. However there are some truly awesome mods out there, (though alot of crap as well).
My favourite is a trilogy where you play a paladin, unfortunately the 3rd in the series will likely be never completed.
While I was not too impressed with KOTOR, I am eagerly awaiting Dragon age (hoping they will release a game of the year edition containing all mods and the like and I will buy it then). (For those who don't know, Bioware has produced all the games in this paragraph)
Dragonshard: I heard about Dragonshard shortly after playing games such as Icewind dale 2 and Baldur's' gate 2. I was hoping for a game which allowed me the same character development and similar story quality but with squads of soldiers instead of just the 6. The graphics was very cheesy and cartoony, with game mechanics similar to that of "armies of exigo" ( I believe that was the name of the game). Despite being advertised as a role playing-strategy hybrid set in a dungeons and dragons universe, it had no role playing worth talking about, didn't require much tactics and if it wasn't for the fact that it was advertised as being dungeons and dragons and compared to baldur's gate I would never of known it was a DnD game. Game reviewers tended to give it decent reviews so I don't know if I just had high expectations but this was my greatest disappointment.
I am still waiting for a good DnD strategy game, allowing character customisation similar to Baldur's gate or Icewind dale 2 (skills, feats, inventory etc) and similar atmospheres. but with strategic and tactical game mechanics similar to X-com apocalypse.