ElPixelIlustre: Mmm... so would you recommend GRAW and GRAW2 for a "Raven Shield" lover?
PS: Now I think, I enjoyed SWAT3 more than any Rainbow Six. SWAT4 is also pretty good.
I'd recommend GRAW2 first (unless you were buing that bundle in which case you'd get them anyway), I didn't play much of 1 but 2 felt more polished. Ghost Recon 1 & 2 were contemporaries with operation flashpoint and were also in the challenging basket so they'd probably be good for an R6 lover. The planning thing with the map in GRAW 2 is improvised and in real time but it's not overly complex once you get the hang of it, it mostly boils down to 'select unit, scroll map to destination, click and drag to set his post-move facing'. Of course the last part is where some of the AI problems can occasionally manifest. I had no trouble in this regard but 2 of my friends had the AI ignore the facing command or do the facing command correctly but on the wrong side of cover. 'Results may vary' as the saying goes. I think there was an AI mod released that was supposed to fix that.
SWAT3 was freakin awesome though, I loved that game to death and several people I know would buy it in a heartbeat if it was on GOG. It was always my dream to get a 3-4 player coop going on that and clear the whole place out. The thing I loved the most about it is that you were supposed to arrest people rather than kill them, it was so refreshing!
I didn't play enough of 4 to form an opinion (one of the pitfalls of not owning it) but after seeing it was impossible to shoot through a chainlink fence, I kind of got turned off. It's a tiny thing but that sort of thing is usually indicative of other stupid design choices.