Fred_DM: i don't understand why you put GoG in the same category as Steam and Origin. is not required in anyway to play the games you've purchased on there. you can buy games on, back them up and never come back. install and play anytime anywhere whether still exists or not.
I'm just talking about "account based game librarys". I like it, as I don't like keeping back ups. Edit: And Origin, for the most part, doesn't require you to be online neither, as does Steam.
keeveek: Pure Pc games are console ports since when... ?
Shooter being "consolified" has been around since the Xbox hit the market (thanks a lot Halo :-( ! ). Shooters haven't been "a pure PC genre" since then. And yes it sucks big time.
Shooters are for the most part "mainstream games" for which publishers want the biggest, easiest target group imagninable, hence consoles.