Walking - Gods I can't stand it! If I was able to teleport directly from the quest giver to the mission it MIGHT be fast enough, but maybe not even then. Walking is fine if there's danger, or potential danger, or hidden features, or even just beautiful scenery. But if there's nothing to look at and nothing can happen, then why the hell am I walking? (Hours of gameplay!!). I hate reaching the end of a dungeon and then having to walk all the way back out. (Hours of gameplay!!) Walking was fun when I was 8... and 12... and 17... and 25... but now I'm just sick of it.
Tiny's post back in the beginning made me cry. :`(
Hetero White Male - An element that's supposed to be core to CRPGs is choice. The ability to not only make MEANINGFUL choices in the game, but even more, to be able to choose who you are. I want to be able to pick my gender, and race, AND orientation. Why is it that even when I can be non-human, it's still caucasian human? White elf, white dwarf, white halfling, white gnome... Why can't I have purple skin, or green, or polka dot? Why can't I be latin, or black, or asian? Why do so many games lock me into playing a HWM? Yeah, it's easier on the devs to only create one avatar and make the armors fit, but that comes at the cost of playing an avatar you dislike the whole game, and how is that fun?
Sexist Armor - I tire of female armor covering 5% of their bodies, and male armor covering 95% of theirs (in addition to having massively ginormous pauldrons).
Busy Work - We play this game for fun and/or challenge and/or empowerment. Don't tell me the game can't continue until I bring miss peasant a dozen eggs from market and six different flowers from the woods. NWN2s OC royally pissed me off with the insane amount of
busywork you had to do before you could even visit the noble's quarter of the city, something that you didn't even need to do.
Looting - Like walking and even mapping, looting was fun when I was a kid. Now it's a chore. Seeing a room full of dead bodies makes me groan at having to loot them all. I would far rather kill ten guys and have one of them hold 100 coins, than each of them hold 10 coins. Ideally, corpses wouldn't have any loot at all, and any reward I got would be from the chest at the back of the room, or the payment from the quest giver.
Mana - I love D&D to pieces, having started playing over 30 years ago. However, I will forever curse their Vancian magic system that trained the world into thinking casters should have limited magic use. Have you ever heard of a game where a 1st level warrior could only swing their sword once per day? Or worse, after swinging, they then had to kill everything else with wands and scrolls? That makes perfect sense, right, a warrior killing everything with magic? Why do casters only get one spell and then have to use weapons the rest of the day? Casters should have infinite casts per day, just as warriors and archers have infinite melee and missile attacks per day.
chincilla: Related to the whole 'can't open a wooden door because its locked' think, when you enter a dungeon and off to one side is a door that leads RIGHT to where you want to go, but oh no you have to take the long way round!
I once played a module with this very thing. At the end of the first hall was a guy next to a closed grate, behind which was our prize. He then told of us of the seven orbs we had to go off and collect and all the things we had to do in order to get the key from him. I opened the dev console, teleported behind the grate, took the item, and teleported back out. Instead of playing for countless hours, I finished it in five minutes, and I was a HELL of a lot happier. : ) Stupid taunting busywork.
Reveenka: Oh, another pet peeve - merchants that run out of money indefinitely. Morrowind, I am looking at you.
Did they change this? It's been years since I played but I thought merchant purses refilled every couple of days.