Apparently I can read some Romanian. Awesome!
I don't think I can find this here, but I'll check the natural remedies section for anything made out of pine cones.
Azrael360: ...when I was a kid, I had to drink for a long time (months) an horrendous multi-vitamin medicine because I was too skinny... Maybe it did worked, because now I'm skinny, but with muscles! XD
I think my grandmother gave me something like that once. She put it in orange juice to make it taste better, which imo just made it worse and made it last longer. Really nasty stuff.
doccarnby: I don't actually think I've ever had cough syrup. I think my parents were always the "have some tea and suck on this Ricola" types. I think we had some of that pink shit, but that's not a cough remedy, right? That's upset stomachs.
Peptobismol? I love that stuff, it tastes like melted pink peppermints. Reminds me of Christmas...
jrqualls: castor oil, nastiest tasting stuff ever, not even sure it's real medicine but used to be given it as a child for a cough
I was given this in the hospital a few years back in order to clear my bowels prior to xrays. I remember it tasting like wood, but it feels like swallowing someone elses's spit. I don't know why it would be given as a cough medicine though. Unless the idea was "don't cough or you'll shit your pants."
ashwald: I don't take any cough medicine, but I've heard horror stories about bizarre concoctions containing raw egg yolk. *shudders*
That is sure to make me throw up. Not even gonna try, I hate eggs. Thanks for the suggestion though.
Kasbe_DRC: Ok, you asked for it: Hot milk with honey. Yuck!
Tasty! :)
What a nice way to start my morning, thanks.
Starmaker: Hot milk + garlic + honey. Ewwww.
Yeah, now it's nasty...
Stooner: ...
Pennyroyal Tea... ;p
I haven't listened to Nirvana in a while, thanks for that. :)