SimonG: Since then, it has always been the general perception of the world that the US is only pursuing their own interests, not the "greater good".
I guess this goes to most (at least semi-powerful) countries. I feel the same about Germany (and France). Sure they are pushing other EU countries together to "save Greece" with more loans and shit... while in reality they are just tricking the other EU countries to circulate money through Greece to French/German banks in order to save them.
So, eventually it is the other EU countries who have to pay to the banks their collectibles from Greece. Not cool.
The correct way to proceed would be that French, German, UK, US etc. reinforce their banks against the coming losses from Greece, and other EU countries stay out of the mess.
About Syria situation... it makes me so mad that I'm actually thinking of playing on the terrorists' side on Counterstrike later today.