Nirth: Wait, what? You want a game exactly like Thief 1-2 but with better graphics? How's that progress?
You'll notice I said "build upon", the current design of this game is a downgrade from Thief 1-2 style gameplay, it's reducing the number of gameplay features. This new game could of easily gone this way, perhaps including a complex sound system for guard AI, even a weight system by which the number of stuff you are carrying determines movement speed, the amount of noise you make moving, etc.
I think there are parts in this game that you're simply blind to (not the first time) but whatever, we all have different opinions.
It's not about opinions, it's about defending bullshit because you don't want to sound negative or angry, the same old spineless no-standards "I'll accept it because there's nothing else to play" crap.
Besides, you can still increase the difficulty and take away all the holding hands aspects like objective marker and I think I watched some interview where they said at higher difficulties you aren't allowed to kill anyone, just like when you play Expert in Thief 1-3.
None of that matters if the game is being designed as a casual action-game and not a stealth game. For one the game will not give the player experience for stealth kills/takedowns, they are calling it "Thief" but there's no inherent benefit to stealth playing in the game, and no penalty toward playing it like an action game.
They have to target their market to even make a game in the first place.
There's a difference between making a specific type of game (in this case a stealth game) and then marketing it on the basis of "Hey we made a stealth game, here's how it plays" and what Squeenix/Eidos are doing, which is changing the gameplay from the ground up to appeal to a mainstream console button-masher audience of retards.
Gaming is a business, get over it.
Yeah exactly, same business logic that's seeing Squeenix putting all their old games from GOG on Steam, or this new crowdfunding/Indiegogo "please make our games for us" rubbish they came up with the other day. Desperation. Don't worry I'll be sure to make a gloating thread in a couple of years time when Eidos is shuttered and Squeenix is in receivership, that's what you get for ruining classic franchises :)