Every time I see a develper say "modern audience" or "today's market" I cry a little on the inside. What they mean is just "we couldn't be arse to pull our hands out of our butts and keep up with games older than a decade". All the flaws are obvious when one stops to think for a second: Garret is not a ninja, assasin or a wizard, he's a thief. he does thief stuff, his special skill is hat he can move silently and pick locks, not some bullet time magic or detective vision. Of course we know why those elements are in the game: because all the other cool games have them, and the devs want to be with the cool kids too. Experience points make zero sense in Thief; experience points are used to indicate how your character progresses from someone who can baraly hold a sword to a badass. In Thied however you already are a master thief, so there is no reason to have experience points.
All this is pointing at the ongoing incestual rot in video games. Everything is converging into a 3D action monogenre where you have elements from all storts of games and nothing fits together. For instance, almost every game these days has RPG elements, experience points, unlockables and skills to pick.
Arkose: On the plus side The Dark Mod has just gone standalone (you no longer need Doom 3); the
official site seems to be down with all the attention but it's also available
on Mod DB.
Speakign of The Dark Mod, is there any information on the system requirement? I have an Nvidia 9400M and I don't know it that's enough to run the game.