P1na: Not that I disagree with your bottom line, but the way I see it, I'm not just paying 60€ for a game, like I would in any other place. I'm paying for DRM-free, good PR, good business practices, future enhanced editions for free, and a bunch of goodies. As long as CDP keep themselves on the good side, and most other publishers annoy me with their exclusive clients and other shit, I'll buy their games even without a computer capable of running them. I'm that kind of idiot.
When almost all publishers treat me as a criminal who has to be under surveillance 24/7 just for playing their games, and one publisher sticks out on the good side, treating me fairly, fighting against DRM and delivering good support and additional content even long after the release - well, then that one publisher is worth supporting. Which also means I am willing to pay full price and not to wait until the price drops, as I do usually.
About pre-orders: Yes, for the customer digital pre-orders usually don't make sense. But as a form of support for a developer it does. Thus they get some money before the release which they can invest in the final QA phase, instead of having to rush the game because the money runs out.