Fenixp: - Digital preorders make no sense wthatsoever and should be burned with fire
DaCostaBR: It's not the first time I've heard this and I disagree. There are some games that I intend to buy day one, like followups to previous games, be it a "sequel" like Dark Souls or an expansion like Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon; where the quality doesn't matter because, even though I have high hopes, I'll want to make the judgement on whether it's good or not for myself on that first day. So if I'm going to play it on day one regardless, doesn't it make more sense to preorder a week before and get the discount?
I disagree. Unless the discount is larger than 15% then no. If quality doesn't matter I can understand your reason but I still disagree with it. Also, just curious, what's with the have-to-play-on-day-one? Are you afraid you'll be spoiled because it's inevitable if you're on the internet? :P
I didn't start playing The Witcher 2 until a month after Enhanced Edition was released and I wasn't being spoiled at all then again my line of spoilers isn't that strict anymore but I still take care to avoid the stuff I don't want to know.
Fever_Discordia: Personally I'm more exited about Cyberpunk - Witcher 1 is in my backlog and I don't even own 2 yet...
You know, I kind of am too but that game seems so far ahead into the future somehow, I don't know.
DarrkPhoenix: I'm still a bit peeved at the extortion CDP pulled in Germany following the release of TW2, so I'll probably be holding off on TW3 until the price drops a bit (I'd already bought TW2 at full price when I learned of what they were doing, so this is their delayed punishment for that as far as I'm concerned).
Yeah, that was a d'ck move on their part. Then again the message that was sent with it kind of killed their whole DRM-free moment as I'm sure enough people will pirate their stuff just to spite them and even worse if it happens again so I think they learned their lesson.