Posted December 18, 2014
Fenixp: It's got the best siege warfare anyway, as far as I'm concerned. You get to siege these actually quite massive cities, often with more than one layer of defense. Really cool. All in all, yeah, I'd say Medieval 2 is my favourite of the series, along with Rome - make sure to grab the expansion, it adds a lot.
Just note that the fact I've not had any issues doesn't mean you won't.
I especially cannot wait to use the 2 awesome mods for the game, Middle Earth and Hyrule is gonna be awesome. Just note that the fact I've not had any issues doesn't mean you won't.
Speaking of Total War why has there not been a "Modern Warfare" Total Warfare. At least either World War 1-2 or even current Warfare now?
The only thing I can see why not is because modern style warfare with automatic FireArms is much more chaotic and dynamic compare to the predictable style warfares of ancient to imperial ages.