All these reviews about it make me think the game's gonna creep (and maybe even scare) the hell out of me. They want you to find the hypothetical "wolf"? I knew that you would encounter it; I had no idea that you seek it out yourself. That's kind of screwed up, but with all these great reviews of the game, I have to play it. One website said it's similar to Silent Hill 2 in the scares it gets from you. I never got far in SH2 (I came to it five years after it had come out, and couldn't stand the controls), so I'd love to experience that kind of horror that goes to uncomfortable places.
What do you think of it so far? Does it do any of that pop-out shit? Scratches got me bad at the end with something like that. There you are, looking around for this creature in the basement the whole game, and once you find it...****! RUN!
acare84: If you love The Path, you must try The Graveyard too. It is from same developer and game is so ehmm... Creepy.
Unfortunately, I am one of those users who has a computer that The Graveyard doesn't work on for some reason. The old lady just keeps walking in place, never actually moving.