I think people aren't really crossing the line, as the line of stupidity does not exist.
Anyways, the negative people are the most vocal on the internet, just like in real life. That's why you see more hate posts, than love posts. Don't bother about it, the companies that get the hate don't complain about it, nor do they bother about this, so neither should you.
Taking you on ME3's ending or D3's colors, why the hell should a designer or story writer listen to what some idiots cry about... it is his design / story.
You don't go on bitching about it when a book ends without an end, and make useless YouTube videos and some similar crap that no-life retards only do. You say, oh, okay, so that is how the story ends, okay. The rest is left for the reader to imagine and figure out.
(yea, I am using offensive words, /care)