Tarm: I'm hoping GOG will announce they've signed the biggest ever indie game developer group. That way GOG can finally admit that their secret love is in fact indie games or by using turn around logics we'll get many new classic old games releases.
The current pricing model GOG is using is an attempt for a compromise, but in the end no one is really happy with it.
- Publishers don't want to have their games on GOG, as there's no full regional price control
- Customers don't want to have different prices based on their location
- Presumably GOG is not too happy either compensating the most outrageous differences from their own pocket.
I'm not sure how long this pricing model can work, but so far it doesn't look too promising, as even some of the publishers who presumably could live with the old one-price model, left after the change occured.
So what is left is really a bunch of indie publishers, and of course Disney/LucasArts, who has adjusted their global prices on GOG on European Steam price level.
There are some exceptions, like Cinemaware, but they had their own pricing misadventure with Cinemaware having a completely different prices on GOG than their publisher on Steam...
Tarm: Yes I haven't been really grumpy about this issue for a long time and I need to blow off some steam. Get rid of some accumulated grumpiness.
Just say you need to get laid.