Posted March 20, 2012

1) those who seriously have very restricted budgets and need to make every single penny count
2) those who might be a little more well founded, but who are "cheapskates", hagglers etc.. .call them what you will, but the kind of person who always drives to get the cheapest of the cheap and then makes sure to get a discount!
You'll see it in any service or product market that its the most cut-throat at the bottom of the barrel and its no different in gaming. The only difference is that complaints randomly spaced around the net are highly unlikely to actually garner any further discount so its mostly just a waste of complaining for complaints sake alone (though some people do like to try the whole "If you don' do as I say I'll smear bad things about your company all over the net" tactic).
In the end I wouldn't worry overly much about it.
As for the bundle, eh not going for it myself. Only COGS semi-interests me from the games on offer and Avadon is just a touch too oldschool for me. That said Humble Bundles are not unknown to gain more extras, one or two good games being added might make me consider a purchase and Humble do tend to stick to generally worthwhile titles to consider.