toxicTom: The Settlers don't know themselves where they belong... I don't like either RTS or managerial games, but DO like The Settlers (1 and 2, that is).
Ha, true that! Some games are really impossible to place into one category, case in point is one of my favorites from the 90s,
The Horde. A very original and daring mix between managerial sim and hack & slash, sadly it doesn't have too many votes on the GOG wishlist: As for the GOG store side of things, I often wonder if a multiple tag system wouldn't be better than the somewhat oversimplified categories that are in place currently but that's probably a discussion for another thread & another day.
ddickinson: No need to apologise, I was only joking. I enjoy your questions and I understand your point, feel free to ask questions anytime.
As for the burning at the stake part, well that is doable. It's soon to be
Guy Fawkes Night here in a England, and it used to be a custom to burn an effigy of a Catholic, but I'm sure we can make room for a question asking Swiss :-). But I think you will be okay, luckily the effigy burning is done vary rarely now, but we kept the bonfires and fireworks.
There we go again with the implied terror :D
But I should be safe, seeing as I'm a Protestant (more of a borderline nihilistic agnostic really) who just happened to grow up in a Catholic village. The English would just serve me tea and After Eight mints and congratulate me while I shared my experiences of getting kicked out of mandatory Catholic religion class for asking unsavory questions.
Zabohad: That's the reason I didn't participate in the survey: the established division of videogaming "genres" is so chaotic and unsystematic that serious discussion led usually to confusion, with "RPG" and "strategy" especially mis- and overused. TV Tropes makes from its point of view better work in sorting games by the mechanics than most gaming sites. Space management games as an example: The results of the giveaway are not that surprising among the GOGers, we are definitely weird bunch. :-)
Thanks for that interesting link! I would classify XCOm as a "service game" though on that list :)
Agreed about RPG classification being particularly troublesome, most people can't even agree on what Roleplaying really is. In my opinion, hardly any game that brands itself an RPG has anything to do with Roleplaying, at all.
Stats and leveling up/upgrading an RPG not make!