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Five days left, and only 755 bundles sold. This does not look good.
Also, IF and I do say IF Sam and Max is unlocked, you CAN get a copy of the DVD if you pay for it. The Terms of Sale on the page say that... "Purchasers of this product are eligible for the end-of-season DVD for Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space only."
Regarding this thread the problem with the missing videos in Whispered World should be fix.
I bought the pack mostly because of the King's Quest Collection and the hope to catch Puzzle Agent. Sale is still below 1000 and I don't believe they will reach the necessary 5000 for Puzzle Agent, but we will see. The sale is indeed a little bit weird and seems not well planned, but I hope the existing problems will be fixed and I can furthermore trust Telltale (btw the only shop with DRM I use).
About the bundle itself: To be clear, the second Penny Arcade is not in the bundle. You need the bundle program to download all game packages, which you can backup and install also outside the bundle. They use a normal Nullsoft install routine. So I copied all installation files on my external hard-drive and installed them without the bundle-program on my notebook. The Kings' Quest Collection worked without any problems and is also patchable with the patch from SierraHelp (btw thanks to Collector from SierraHelp for this). The other games didn't run first, so I installed the bundle-program and started the games from there without any problem. So my conclusion is that the KQ Collection is DRM-free, the other games need the bundle-program for activation.
Post edited September 06, 2010 by DukeNukemForever
Ah, I'd buy that, but it seems that Sam & Max isn't happening due to not enough sales. I'd say that other indie game bundle was much better organized.
Puzzle Agent has been unlocked early.
guest87687: Puzzle Agent has been unlocked early.

Oh , you just HAVE to wonder who guest87687 is
Judging by the 5% they were hoping (and probably still are) for 20,000 purchases before S&M2 unlocks.
Well I'm not fussed about that as I have it through Steam anyway. Puzzle Agent was the one I'm after. Almost certainly going to grab this one now. But sorting out the videos for Whispered World (or at least promising to) would secure that purchase.
Navagon: Judging by the 5% they were hoping (and probably still are) for 20,000 purchases before S&M2 unlocks.
Well I'm not fussed about that as I have it through Steam anyway. Puzzle Agent was the one I'm after. Almost certainly going to grab this one now. But sorting out the videos for Whispered World (or at least promising to) would secure that purchase.

The videos for The Whispered world have apparently already been sorted.
I had a feeling that they would change it to 1000 and 5000.
Even though it is a good deal, (especially now! :D) I think many people wre avoiding the bundle because most of the games aren't exactly well known, (at least I think thats the case...).
RetroVortex: The videos for The Whispered world have apparently already been sorted.
I had a feeling that they would change it to 1000 and 5000.
Even though it is a good deal, (especially now! :D) I think many people wre avoiding the bundle because most of the games aren't exactly well known, (at least I think thats the case...).

Yeah, I just checked the thread linked to above and it's definitely fixed now. Great! I'll be grabbing this.
Personally I tend to avoid bundles if they're full of well known games, as that can mean I already have too many of them for it to be worth it.
RetroVortex: The videos for The Whispered world have apparently already been sorted.
I had a feeling that they would change it to 1000 and 5000.
Even though it is a good deal, (especially now! :D) I think many people wre avoiding the bundle because most of the games aren't exactly well known, (at least I think thats the case...).
Navagon: Yeah, I just checked the thread linked to above and it's definitely fixed now. Great! I'll be grabbing this.
Personally I tend to avoid bundles if they're full of well known games, as that can mean I already have too many of them for it to be worth it.

It's fixed, however the DRM is causing the videos to stutter and go out of sync, I searched for a solution and according to this: the fix is using a cracked exe.
I tried it and indeed it does work, and the game is more responsive too, loading seems faster and the mouse feels smoother. Nice to see more DRM goodness :p
didamangi: I searched for a solution and according to this: the fix is using a cracked exe.

Oh, bloody marvellous. Just when you think it's a good investment they go and infect it with crippling DRM...
didamangi: I searched for a solution and according to this: the fix is using a cracked exe.
Navagon: Oh, bloody marvellous. Just when you think it's a good investment they go and infect it with crippling DRM...

I've not tried King's Quest Collection and Jack Keane, but from the complaints on telltale games forums it seems TWW is the only game having lame DRM.
The other games I tried works fine and dandy.
Although Puzzle Agent has some game stopping bugs for some people:
Fortunately I'm not one of them.
Post edited September 07, 2010 by didamangi
didamangi: I've not tried King's Quest Collection and Jack Keane, but from the complaints on telltale games forums it seems TWW is the only game having lame DRM.

I guess this is what happens when conventional publishers try and mimic the success of the Humble Indie Bundle. Now look at the result: they've managed a fraction of the success.
Well, that's it. I don't have the patience to experiment with inept devs who take your money first and deliver second, no matter how inexpensive it is. I can get the whispered world for 'bout €10 and with S&M2 I can wait for the retail to fall to around that price. For the Puzzle agent, I'll just wait for a steam sale, and I already have both PAA, and don't give a damn for the JK. I'm mildly interested in KQ collection, but not so much that I would put my hand in the fire.
So as you can see, if I go by my method, I come to around the same financial conclusion. And I can put a few more € up for child's play, so that way there really are no losers. Except the creators of this bundle, but that's their fault. Do the DRM dance, live with it.
didamangi: I've not tried King's Quest Collection and Jack Keane, but from the complaints on telltale games forums it seems TWW is the only game having lame DRM.
Navagon: I guess this is what happens when conventional publishers try and mimic the success of the Humble Indie Bundle. Now look at the result: they've managed a fraction of the success.

The problem isn't that they are trying to mimic the success, but that they never understood the reason for the success. The "unlock after 5,000 bundles sold" is such a stupid concept it takes just a tiny bit of common sense to see it can't possibly work. I sometimes wonder what kind of twisted world the suits live in.
bazilisek: The problem isn't that they are trying to mimic the success, but that they never understood the reason for the success. The "unlock after 5,000 bundles sold" is such a stupid concept it takes just a tiny bit of common sense to see it can't possibly work. I sometimes wonder what kind of twisted world the suits live in.

That was dumb, agreed. It succeeded in putting me off buying it straight away. Which gave me time to find out about the other problems with it. Meh.