this thread the problem with the missing videos in Whispered World should be fix.
I bought the pack mostly because of the King's Quest Collection and the hope to catch Puzzle Agent. Sale is still below 1000 and I don't believe they will reach the necessary 5000 for Puzzle Agent, but we will see. The sale is indeed a little bit weird and seems not well planned, but I hope the existing problems will be fixed and I can furthermore trust Telltale (btw the only shop with DRM I use).
About the bundle itself: To be clear, the second Penny Arcade is not in the bundle. You need the bundle program to download all game packages, which you can backup and install also outside the bundle. They use a normal Nullsoft install routine. So I copied all installation files on my external hard-drive and installed them without the bundle-program on my notebook. The Kings' Quest Collection worked without any problems and is also patchable with the patch from
SierraHelp (btw thanks to Collector from SierraHelp for this). The other games didn't run first, so I installed the bundle-program and started the games from there without any problem. So my conclusion is that the KQ Collection is DRM-free, the other games need the bundle-program for activation.