WarZombie: Dammit, that's a dragon, isn't it? It is a dragon. Fuck.
Pretty much.
One thing that left an impression was the following exchange (though I may not remember exactly):
Innkeeper: One of the Jarl's men came by and left this bounty letter...
Me: <reads the letter> A dragon at *location at the other end of the country*? Alright *deep breath*, I can do this.
I walk out of the inn, and immediately (ie. not even having walked down the three steps from the porch to to the ground) see a huge shadow moving fast across the ground just outside, look up, *oh, shi-*
... I mean, I'm the kind of person who gets these *oh, shi-* reactions even when playing in godmode and I really can go up against anything while nude and barehanded.