Posted September 28, 2011
Do you all plan to get the console version (if at all)? And no, I don't want an answer to that....
Some "negatives" pointed out were more or less a no-brainer for me, like:
- no classes - with every RPGler moaning around that you'll end as a Warrior/Rogue/Mage master any way in Oblivion
- no mounts except horses - it's a fantasy game in a medieval setting. You expected what? Boars? Ogres?
- can't mount dragons - now that would've been RPG-like and true to the lore - NOT
- no werewolves - one might regret that, but nothing that defines TES. Also likely to get modded.
- no dual-shielding - seriously?
- no locational damage - VATS was and still is one of the features with the most negative feedback in F3 and NV, especially from RPGlers
- bugs - will be there, no doubt about it. Still, as much as F3 and NV tanked heat for this, I personally haven't encountered 1 gamebreaking or persistant bug in each of them and I played both as day 1 release.
- no choices - yeah it's not a Bioware game. Thank God for that!
A lot if not most mentioned negatives (including the ones above) are bound to be alterable with the modding community backup, like:
- health regeneration
- classes - over 1000 files under Races, Classes and Birthsigns for Oblivion on TESNexus alone
- different weapons, be it spears, crossbows, polearms, hand to hand, whatthef**kever
- tits - guys... really.... be it either Oblivion, F3 or NV, among the first mods available was *insert drum roll* a nude mod....
- fetch / kill quests - please name me the game that brought ANYTHING innovative in that department in the last 10 years...
I could go on, but it would make me look even more of a fanboy that I actually am and wouldn't change a thing, so I restricted myself to a quick "most ridiculous" list.
Some "negatives" pointed out were more or less a no-brainer for me, like:
- no classes - with every RPGler moaning around that you'll end as a Warrior/Rogue/Mage master any way in Oblivion
- no mounts except horses - it's a fantasy game in a medieval setting. You expected what? Boars? Ogres?
- can't mount dragons - now that would've been RPG-like and true to the lore - NOT
- no werewolves - one might regret that, but nothing that defines TES. Also likely to get modded.
- no dual-shielding - seriously?
- no locational damage - VATS was and still is one of the features with the most negative feedback in F3 and NV, especially from RPGlers
- bugs - will be there, no doubt about it. Still, as much as F3 and NV tanked heat for this, I personally haven't encountered 1 gamebreaking or persistant bug in each of them and I played both as day 1 release.
- no choices - yeah it's not a Bioware game. Thank God for that!
A lot if not most mentioned negatives (including the ones above) are bound to be alterable with the modding community backup, like:
- health regeneration
- classes - over 1000 files under Races, Classes and Birthsigns for Oblivion on TESNexus alone
- different weapons, be it spears, crossbows, polearms, hand to hand, whatthef**kever
- tits - guys... really.... be it either Oblivion, F3 or NV, among the first mods available was *insert drum roll* a nude mod....
- fetch / kill quests - please name me the game that brought ANYTHING innovative in that department in the last 10 years...
I could go on, but it would make me look even more of a fanboy that I actually am and wouldn't change a thing, so I restricted myself to a quick "most ridiculous" list.