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Do you all plan to get the console version (if at all)? And no, I don't want an answer to that....

Some "negatives" pointed out were more or less a no-brainer for me, like:
- no classes - with every RPGler moaning around that you'll end as a Warrior/Rogue/Mage master any way in Oblivion
- no mounts except horses - it's a fantasy game in a medieval setting. You expected what? Boars? Ogres?
- can't mount dragons - now that would've been RPG-like and true to the lore - NOT
- no werewolves - one might regret that, but nothing that defines TES. Also likely to get modded.
- no dual-shielding - seriously?
- no locational damage - VATS was and still is one of the features with the most negative feedback in F3 and NV, especially from RPGlers
- bugs - will be there, no doubt about it. Still, as much as F3 and NV tanked heat for this, I personally haven't encountered 1 gamebreaking or persistant bug in each of them and I played both as day 1 release.
- no choices - yeah it's not a Bioware game. Thank God for that!

A lot if not most mentioned negatives (including the ones above) are bound to be alterable with the modding community backup, like:
- health regeneration
- classes - over 1000 files under Races, Classes and Birthsigns for Oblivion on TESNexus alone
- different weapons, be it spears, crossbows, polearms, hand to hand, whatthef**kever
- tits - guys... really.... be it either Oblivion, F3 or NV, among the first mods available was *insert drum roll* a nude mod....
- fetch / kill quests - please name me the game that brought ANYTHING innovative in that department in the last 10 years...

I could go on, but it would make me look even more of a fanboy that I actually am and wouldn't change a thing, so I restricted myself to a quick "most ridiculous" list.
Siannah: - no choices - yeah it's not a Bioware game. Thank God for that!

Siannah: Do you all plan to get the console version (if at all)? And no, I don't want an answer to that....

Some "negatives" pointed out were more or less a no-brainer for me, like:
- no classes - with every RPGler moaning around that you'll end as a Warrior/Rogue/Mage master any way in Oblivion
- no mounts except horses - it's a fantasy game in a medieval setting. You expected what? Boars? Ogres?
- can't mount dragons - now that would've been RPG-like and true to the lore - NOT
- no werewolves - one might regret that, but nothing that defines TES. Also likely to get modded.
- no dual-shielding - seriously?
- no locational damage - VATS was and still is one of the features with the most negative feedback in F3 and NV, especially from RPGlers
- bugs - will be there, no doubt about it. Still, as much as F3 and NV tanked heat for this, I personally haven't encountered 1 gamebreaking or persistant bug in each of them and I played both as day 1 release.
- no choices - yeah it's not a Bioware game. Thank God for that!

A lot if not most mentioned negatives (including the ones above) are bound to be alterable with the modding community backup, like:
- health regeneration
- classes - over 1000 files under Races, Classes and Birthsigns for Oblivion on TESNexus alone
- different weapons, be it spears, crossbows, polearms, hand to hand, whatthef**kever
- tits - guys... really.... be it either Oblivion, F3 or NV, among the first mods available was *insert drum roll* a nude mod....
- fetch / kill quests - please name me the game that brought ANYTHING innovative in that department in the last 10 years...

I could go on, but it would make me look even more of a fanboy that I actually am and wouldn't change a thing, so I restricted myself to a quick "most ridiculous" list.

1. Dragons in TES lore are INTELLIGENT beings who can communicate. There have been cases where dragons have helped humans and vice versa. There are accounts of people RIDING on a dragon. Common? heck no, possible/within the lore? Heck yes.

2. Vats one of the most negative things from rpgers? WTF? Vats was one of the things most Fallout fans loved and were excited to see it stay within the fallout game. It helped make it more rpg like.

Locational damage in Skyrim woulda been a lot better, not turn-based vats style, but actual location based damage. SHooting a bow just loses a LOT of appeal when you score that long-range head shot and it counts the same as shooting someone in the foot.

3. Choices, Umm yeah choices can be good. Not "Good/evil choice" a la Bioware style, but good choice/consequence styles of things like The Witcher has. That's what I want in more rpgs. Where you make realistic choices, that have consequences, be it good or bad, with many being tough/morally grey, where you can't simply choose "I'm mr goody two shoes, or i'm ebul!!1"
Modding is a good point. If you get it on the consoles, you'll be hosed if it's just a glorified hack n slash. But on PC's, I'd say within a week we'll have all kinds of things fixing health regen and other "issues".

Another thing that has to be mentioned, is in Morrowind & Oblivion you started as a regular person. Someone with destiny, sure, but a random dude in a Prison/Boat. In Skyrim, aren't you supposed to start as basically "the last of your kind" to fight dragons? If so, it makes sense that you wouldn't start weak and build up.

But that's all on conjecture based on the information so far.
lukaszthegreat: im waiting for GOTY too as I missed collectors edition (had no money when it was released and couldn't buy it later) but you sounded like you passed on it and you will never every buy it :)

that's why i asked.
Looking at the backlog, that would pretty much be the case, that I'd never get it. By the time I finish all my already purchased games, Diablo 3 will be out, Starcraft 2's and WoW's new expansions will be nearing release, so no purchase. Aaaaaand, it uses Steamworks.
lukaszthegreat: im waiting for GOTY too as I missed collectors edition (had no money when it was released and couldn't buy it later) but you sounded like you passed on it and you will never every buy it :)

that's why i asked.
kavazovangel: Looking at the backlog, that would pretty much be the case, that I'd never get it. By the time I finish all my already purchased games, Diablo 3 will be out, Starcraft 2's and WoW's new expansions will be nearing release, so no purchase. Aaaaaand, it uses Steamworks.
you use blizzard products and are worried about steamworks.

hilarious :)
kavazovangel: Looking at the backlog, that would pretty much be the case, that I'd never get it. By the time I finish all my already purchased games, Diablo 3 will be out, Starcraft 2's and WoW's new expansions will be nearing release, so no purchase. Aaaaaand, it uses Steamworks.
lukaszthegreat: lol
you use blizzard products and are worried about steamworks.

hilarious :)
to paraphrase... "It's not DRM it's just your always in multiplayer!" how adding a chat function stops it being always online DRM I don't know
Stiler: 1. Dragons in TES lore are INTELLIGENT beings who can communicate. There have been cases where dragons have helped humans and vice versa. There are accounts of people RIDING on a dragon. Common? heck no, possible/within the lore? Heck yes.
Especially since they're intelligent, independent beings, it's virtually a different beast to put this in a believable way into the game.
The point is, we know nearly nothing about the storyline except that it revolves around dragons and their powers / powerwords. Now imagine the effect such a decision would / could have. Yet it counts as a negative....

Not to mention that once dragons would be rideable, the same "RPGlers" would want the ability to burn towns to cinder with it, completely raping the game, story and lore to hell and back.

Stiler: 2. Vats one of the most negative things from rpgers? WTF? Vats was one of the things most Fallout fans loved and were excited to see it stay within the fallout game. It helped make it more rpg like.
Go figure. Though you stated it correctly: most Fallout fans loved it. Search through a few RPG boards (or dare to ask) and you'll see a lot of RPGlers (especially Interplay Fallout fans) claiming that it alone single-handedly pushed it from being an RPG to a plain shooter.

Stiler: 3. Choices, Umm yeah choices can be good. Not "Good/evil choice" a la Bioware style, but good choice/consequence styles of things like The Witcher has. That's what I want in more rpgs. Where you make realistic choices, that have consequences, be it good or bad, with many being tough/morally grey, where you can't simply choose "I'm mr goody two shoes, or i'm ebul!!1"
No doubt about it. Yet again, the story isn't told. Nobody knows. Yet it's been put up as a negative.
Siannah: Go figure. Though you stated it correctly: most Fallout fans loved it. Search through a few RPG boards (or dare to ask) and you'll see a lot of RPGlers (especially Interplay Fallout fans) claiming that it alone single-handedly pushed it from being an RPG to a plain shooter.
I must ask how the hell does vats make it a plain shooter? Fallout 3 without it would be much plainer shooter. I mean: with vats activated your skills in shooting and reacting does not matter. your characters skills do. Thats almost pure RPG.
*very confused*
Are you sure you got that right?
lukaszthegreat: lol
you use blizzard products and are worried about steamworks.

hilarious :)
wodmarach: to paraphrase... "It's not DRM it's just your always in multiplayer!" how adding a chat function stops it being always online DRM I don't know
Ye, I'm weird. :p
kavazovangel: Ye, I'm weird. :p

Mate you need one of those:
Pic of what kavazovangel should buy ASAP

I got oblivion on release and didn't really like it. Will get SKYRIM goty version when it is 20 bucks.
lukaszthegreat: Mate you need one of those:
Pic of what kavazovangel should buy ASAP .
He can still spit acid through that face hugger. Actually now he would be even more inclined to do so.

-Streamlining and casualizing
-Making it accessible to joe walmartan and billy bob
-Skill bastardization and retard proofing
-Low res textures
-Horrible IGN article by an absolute retard but that's the audience bethesda is appealing to
-Bethesda worse than Bioware now

I'll save my money for something else, thanks

-Streamlining and casualizing
-Making it accessible to joe walmartan and billy bob
-Skill bastardization and retard proofing
-Low res textures
-Horrible IGN article by an absolute retard but that's the audience bethesda is appealing to
-Bethesda worse than Bioware now

I'll save my money for something else, thanks
And sadly, it will get 100000000000000/10. :(
I'll spell doom when the game pukes all over my monitor (or does not, as the case might be, little indication of going in that direction). But it's still a pre-order/day one purchase like every TES game from Morrowind onwards.