Posted December 02, 2011

Registered: Aug 2009
From United Kingdom

sunglasses at night
Registered: Dec 2008
From New Zealand
Posted December 02, 2011
Steam Workshop sounds like it is just going to be a one-click installer (a capability some mod managers have previously offered). It is highly unlikely that it will incorporate dependency/conflict checks. It also probably doesn't simplify installation of mods from external sources such as Skyrim Nexus, so anything that doesn't make it onto the Workshop will need to be installed the old way anyway.

Gold Guy
Registered: Sep 2011
From Portugal
Posted December 02, 2011
I haven't bought this because it's tied to Steamworks. I really don't see anything useful that can come from it.

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted December 02, 2011
You guys seem to be confusing yourselves with the majority of the population. The majority never even bothered patching their games before auto-patching came around, because even that was too much hassle. Mods are a few steps beyond that. Whether you think the nexus is "fine" or "the same thing" or not, the average joe does not, I promise you.
This is a big deal.
This is a big deal.

Registered: Sep 2008
From Switzerland
Posted December 02, 2011

(example: an extremely limited selection of marriage partners instead of a truly open system of scripted checks and assignments)
Which is the point: instead of embracing what has been put in (which isn't little), you demand what no other game would offer, too - why? Because it's Skyrim.

It's about criticizing Skyrim for all that was / still is acceptable on other games.
Not to mention that you HAVE an option to change almost everything towards your liking within a year or so with mods, if you bought it for PC. I know you didn't took that road, which was / is your decision (and I won't question it).
But once again, no other games (outside of Bethesda) offers so much flexibility on changing how it works / reacts / behaves down to the core of it. Yet you demand it all, right off the bat, what no other new release offers, because it's Skyrim.
Basically you demand the additional work of a year and a few thousand modders, on release. Which no other game offers. Because. it's. Skyrim.

Foolish Mortal
Registered: Mar 2011
From United States

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted December 03, 2011

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted December 03, 2011

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted December 03, 2011
Usually I would be right there with ya, but since Skyrim is about 20 times better than I expected it to be after Oblivion and Fallout 3 so it's hard for me to complain about anything related to it, to be honest. It's like if your blind date ends up being hot, funny, smart and totally into you and then you complain about her outfit.
Post edited December 03, 2011 by StingingVelvet

Registered: Dec 2008
From Turkey
Posted December 03, 2011
Post edited December 03, 2011 by grynn

Foolish Mortal
Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted December 03, 2011

EDIT: Okay, so I probably wouldn't be placated, because the other problems I've mentioned REALLY annoy me, but I'd at least likely be more forgiving. ;-)
While there are some hand placed items, items in shops and most loot are still scaled to player level instead of restricted by price, rarity, chance, etc. Owning two homes and having 50,000+ gold, I couldn't purchase or commission better armor, but after reaching the next scaling threshold (Lv32), I plucked a suit of EBONY armor out of a chest in a Forsworn tent. WTF.
EDIT: To be clear, because the intention is mistaken later in this thread, let me clarify: I am not arguing against all level-scaling below. For unique quest items, I like level scaling of the sort found in the Quest Award Leveler mod for Oblivion, thus the two examples of cases where QAL scaling would have been preferable.
Some unique items are level-scaled, some aren't.
Get a level-scaled item too early and you'll be stuck with a crap version of what might have been one of the coolest items in the game if you hadn't dared play without a stategy guide handy to indicate the best time to complete a given quest.
This f***s you in reverse, too: After several tries (10+), I bested a powerful ghost warrior only to discover that the "treasure" was two useless weapons vastly inferior to what I was already packing.
Left me wondering if Bethesda has anything other than a cursory awareness of its modding community (Quest Award Leveler).
Discussed companion level-scaling before, see that post for details.
Creature scaling seems better but still f***ed up. Dragons are more of a nuisance than a threat and rarely give me pause (except when I pause the game to yawn during the hack-slashiness that is dragonslaying) but Sabre Cats were insta-death until recently.
Considered proposing an alliance with Alduin against the Sabre Cat menace but sadly wasn't given the option. ;-)
Post edited December 03, 2011 by ddmuse

Cat Confuser Lv6
Registered: Dec 2010
From Russian Federation
Posted December 03, 2011
See, in addition to exploring the game world you also get to explore the dark corners of developers' minds, where sucking things out of a thumb and wild uneducated guesses take place. It's a new dimension to gaming.
Post edited December 03, 2011 by grviper

Registered: Sep 2008
From Switzerland
Posted December 03, 2011

I laugh about how level-scaling gets bashed over and over again, just to see complains in the next sentence about a unique item that is crap (aka not lvl-scaled) or gets crap if you get it to early (aka lvl-scaled). Somebody's asking to square the circle here?
Only that this isn't true either. I just upgraded a daedric artifact (Peryite's shield), which is as unique as it gets, with smithing. Don't have smithing that high? Enchant a item with +smithing. Don't have that high either? Use an alchemic potion or start playing the role you took with your character?
Post edited December 03, 2011 by Siannah

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From Switzerland
Posted December 03, 2011