Ubivis: It is a bit depressing, that the AI is soo stupid in the game :(
When I first encountered the Snowtroll, he killed in just a few seconds. Next try I just positioned myself on a rock that is far enough away and spiked him with arrows... the AI always walked the troll 2 steps to the left -> arrow -> AI walks the troll 2 steps to the right -> arrow -> start with the first step.
Took some time, but it is way too easy to trick the AI.
Right, that thing is TOUGH.
When I did that quest I nearly got killed by a snow wolf (or is it ice wolf?) on the way.
Still, even that thing is nothing compared to the sabretooth tigers and bears.. and dragons.
About what level do you have to be before you can realistically solo those things?
And by realistically I mean without drinking 50 potions and using AI glitches.
I got one dragon when it got confused between flying and trying to kill me and trying to kill me on land.. all it was doing was dancing while I shot it full of arrows.