StingingVelvet: How did I defend that? I said it was probably a glitch. Oversensitive? Come on, man. Let's not do this silly forum crap. And what does any of this have to do with what you quoted?
Well, the quoted bit was part of a series of exchanges where you seemed to be a bit oversensitive about the game. Duh. Just saying "heads up, you're coming off a bit like this". But it is silly forum crap, and I do suppose I'd rather you spend your time relating info about the game. ;-)
That "glitch" is a pretty damn big oversight if you ask me. It almost completely breaks crime mechanics. Playtesting, anyone? A little quality control? Now, sure, players can choose not to take advantage of it, but still.
But whatever; let's not dwell on it.
StingingVelvet: The stories have never been good in TES games so I don't really know what you're comparing Skyrim to here. Morrowind had some cool lore but other than that every TES game has been about exploration. Combat has always sucked, the stories have always been mediocre and the dialogue always simple and to the point.
Well, I liked the story in Morrowind. Everything from the hook (being "recruited" by the Blades) to the conflicting versions of past accounts, to the moral ambiguity surrounding all of the major players. The gameworld was interesting and fleshed out. I actually
wanted to explore that world and experience that story.
Seeing these games as primarily about exploration leads us to Fallout 3: A piss-poor main story with a map chocked full of stuff I have almost no motivation to explore.
StingingVelvet: Oblivion's problem was that the exploration was harmed by it taking place in a boring and vanilla fantasy world with potato faces. On top of that the RPG mechanics were so simplified that it almost made you cry. After about 8 hours of Skyrim I can say it makes many improvements in these areas. The world is more interesting (not as much as Morrowind, but pretty good) and the RPG mechanics, while still relatively simple, are deeper than Oblivion.
On top of that, as a bonus, the writing and stories seem much better. Hard to really comment on that so early on, but it seems they have made great strides in learning how to use English to tell a story.
Regardless of any difference of opinion on TES in general, those comments do sound promising.
ddmuse: Anyways, keep that info coming. I haven't bought it, but I could be swayed. ;-)
StingingVelvet: Surely lives hang in the balance.
Only your firstborn... That's right, I'm taking hostages! :-P