Posted November 01, 2011

Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany

Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted November 01, 2011
Edit: Watched some the leaked footage and the game looks fine. Pretty much everything I expected from a Bethesda game. They seemed to have fixed my main issues with Oblivion.
Post edited November 05, 2011 by Whiteblade999

Local Badass
Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted November 01, 2011
Fallout 3 > Morrowind > Oblivion
for me at least
for me at least

Hard to catch
Registered: Sep 2011
From Denmark
Posted November 01, 2011
I have enjoyed the whole fallout and Elder scrolls series - right up till Fallout3 Goty and Oblivion.
Sadly, Bethesda and ID soft amongst others have started to ship newer titles wrapped in obscure 3rd party clients, which is totally unacceptable for me. I will not touch Steam,Origin,Uplay,Gfwl,etc. with a ten feet pole - and i have decided to vote with my wallet and not buy such software.
The only chance i'll ever play New vegas, Rage or Skyrim is, if the game companies come to their senses and put the software up without drm, either as boxed copies or via
I already have bought some titles from gog, and have enjoyed them quite a bit.
Finally a big thankyou to cd project red for making Witcher 1 and 2 available without any drm. I am looking forward to see what you guys are coming up with next.
Sadly, Bethesda and ID soft amongst others have started to ship newer titles wrapped in obscure 3rd party clients, which is totally unacceptable for me. I will not touch Steam,Origin,Uplay,Gfwl,etc. with a ten feet pole - and i have decided to vote with my wallet and not buy such software.
The only chance i'll ever play New vegas, Rage or Skyrim is, if the game companies come to their senses and put the software up without drm, either as boxed copies or via
I already have bought some titles from gog, and have enjoyed them quite a bit.
Finally a big thankyou to cd project red for making Witcher 1 and 2 available without any drm. I am looking forward to see what you guys are coming up with next.
Post edited November 01, 2011 by Solei

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States

Registered: Oct 2010
From Latvia
Posted November 01, 2011

After watching some footage Online...all I can say looks very poor
Also: I gotta love the hypocrisy here:
-consoles getting games 2 weeks early as usual
-no major gaming site says anything
-PC game leaks early

Right now the very first version of a multiplatofrm game to be Leaked onto torrent websites is Always the 360 version, always
When all 3 platforms release on torrent websites the 360 version is the one that gets downloaded and seeded as much (if not more) than the PC version
The 360 version leaks 2-3 weeks before the actual release of the games, so not only are pirates playing the games for free, they get the privilege of playing it before anyone else
This is how people were posting spoilers for Gears 3, 2 weeks before it's release
At the moment games on consoles are pirated much as much as on PC's

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted November 01, 2011

Right now the very first version of a multiplatofrm game to be Leaked onto torrent websites is Always the 360 version, always
When all 3 platforms release on torrent websites the 360 version is the one that gets downloaded and seeded as much (if not more) than the PC version
The 360 version leaks 2-3 weeks before the actual release of the games, so not only are pirates playing the games for free, they get the privilege of playing it before anyone else
This is how people were posting spoilers for Gears 3, 2 weeks before it's release
At the moment games on consoles are pirated much as much as on PC's

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted November 02, 2011
"Just as much" is pretty exaggerated. Xbox games tend to leak earlier now-a-days because all the content has to be on the disc when it is sent out to manufacture. PC games tend to have some content withheld until release day for Steamworks games and some others.
That said PC piracy numbers are still MUCH higher, and given the much lower sales of PC versions the comparison of sold to pirated is MUCH worse. On top of that Xbox games sell MUCH more, making for less desire for piracy to be focused on by publishers and the gaming press. The reasons for all this are varied but they pretty much start with the fact you have to mod a console to play pirated games and keep up with ever changing firmware updates.
While some people like to make a big deal out of it when Xbox versions leak first it really means nothing as far as PC piracy being the most common.
That said PC piracy numbers are still MUCH higher, and given the much lower sales of PC versions the comparison of sold to pirated is MUCH worse. On top of that Xbox games sell MUCH more, making for less desire for piracy to be focused on by publishers and the gaming press. The reasons for all this are varied but they pretty much start with the fact you have to mod a console to play pirated games and keep up with ever changing firmware updates.
While some people like to make a big deal out of it when Xbox versions leak first it really means nothing as far as PC piracy being the most common.

stealthy elf
Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted November 02, 2011
From what i have seen the game looks ok not brilliant . I will however hold judgement til the pc version is released and amazon delivers it to my door.
After rage though i am not putting my hopes up as much.
After rage though i am not putting my hopes up as much.

Snapple Maker
Registered: Nov 2011
From United States
Posted November 02, 2011
I hope the game isn't just all hype. Is anyone picking up the CE edition?

The iron-y
Registered: Nov 2008
From Slovenia

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States

Registered: Sep 2009
From United Kingdom

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States

4-bit classic
Registered: Oct 2010
From Netherlands