Posted June 05, 2012
My summary of thoughts so far...
- Hey MS, you can try to run the living room but as soon as someone like Apple makes a good set-top box specifically designed for internet and streaming video and music you will be completely outclassed. I would focus on games and business software, as you always have. Also none of your exclusives really matter to me. Another Gears already and an another annual Halo? Lordy.
- AC3 was sold to me on announcement, not watching trailers.
- Dead Space 3 coop worries me... coop and horror seem like opposite ends to me. Trust that team though, will buy optimistically.
- Far Cry 3 sounds like fun but nothing special. New Ubi IP I forgot the name of is exciting.
- Sony has some cool exclusives and I look forward to getting a PS3 soon and getting my console on.
- Star Wars TOR will be completely free-to-play in a year.
- God dammit I wish giantbomb would upload their day 0 podcast in mp3 so I can download it.
Overall pretty boring... few announcements, no new hardware... treading water until next year. I couldn't care less about Nintendo, so... pretty much over already I guess.
- Hey MS, you can try to run the living room but as soon as someone like Apple makes a good set-top box specifically designed for internet and streaming video and music you will be completely outclassed. I would focus on games and business software, as you always have. Also none of your exclusives really matter to me. Another Gears already and an another annual Halo? Lordy.
- AC3 was sold to me on announcement, not watching trailers.
- Dead Space 3 coop worries me... coop and horror seem like opposite ends to me. Trust that team though, will buy optimistically.
- Far Cry 3 sounds like fun but nothing special. New Ubi IP I forgot the name of is exciting.
- Sony has some cool exclusives and I look forward to getting a PS3 soon and getting my console on.
- Star Wars TOR will be completely free-to-play in a year.
- God dammit I wish giantbomb would upload their day 0 podcast in mp3 so I can download it.
Overall pretty boring... few announcements, no new hardware... treading water until next year. I couldn't care less about Nintendo, so... pretty much over already I guess.