Fenixp: Touchscreens are an incresingly common input device for laptops and even desktop computers.
I doubt it, at least I don't think their a common input device for desktop PC gamers. Playing a PC game with a touchscreen is completely inferior to the accuracy and intricacy of mouse, you only have to use a tablet to play a game and then play a PC game to notice the obvious difference.
Making your UI compatible with a touchscreen is a definite way of futureproofing it
Except it isn't, touch interface is a hipster gimmick which will fade away and become obsolete soon enough, because it's fundamentally a terrible way of using a computer. The mouse and keyboard has been around for decades and will stay that way because it's proven itself as the most effective controlling device.
, especially when it's not detrimental to the product (and no, size of UI is not, unless you want to claim that old games with big UIs were terrible because of big UIs)
It's not so much the size of the UI's as the size of the buttons, they look horribly oversized and are obviously made to be "touched", not clicked on. The great advantage of designing a UI only for mouse/keyboard is that the UI can be appropriately sized.
No seriously if you've played Shadowrun Returns you'd see how having a touch interface on a PC game is detrimental, and it's not just cosmetic, the way the character screen comes up is obviously purely designed for "one click" and it takes over all the space on the screen. In addition when buying things from NPC's, it's obviously not designed for mouse, you can't just click to buy you need to "drag" like you would with swiping your finger across the screen. It's bloody infuriating.
Same reason Wasteland 2, Project Eternity/Pillars of Eternity etc are all designing purely for mouse/keyboard.