Posted February 08, 2014

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Netherlands

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia
Posted February 08, 2014
While he might be a bit harsh, what do you think of their communication all this time dude?.

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Netherlands

Registered: Mar 2012
From Poland
Posted February 08, 2014
They kickstarted this project and can't comminucate with backers . Is it really good ? They really made a half assed product . Maybe they used cracked version for strip DRM . Who knows ? LOL

Registered: Sep 2008
From Switzerland

Registered: Mar 2012
From Poland
Posted February 08, 2014

And if Skysect just "might be a bit harsh", Stoic didn't surpass the minor annoyance level - one should apply the same standards you'd expect from Stoic to gamers and commentators, too.

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia
Posted February 08, 2014

And if Skysect just "might be a bit harsh", Stoic didn't surpass the minor annoyance level - one should apply the same standards you'd expect from Stoic to gamers and commentators, too.
Certainly not you.....

Post edited February 08, 2014 by Niggles

Registered: Mar 2012
From Poland
Posted February 08, 2014
I pledged 130 $ for Pillars of Eternity :) It's best RPG game .

Registered: Sep 2008
From Switzerland
Posted February 08, 2014
Can you make your mind up what it is now? Buy, don't buy, someday.... o_O
Also for a byte by byte comparison you need the cracked version ... ... you're not a backer but complaining about no DRM-free release. The DRM-free release is here, you stopped complaining and instead went into full-rage mode, wishing them all the worst.
.... yeah, if Stoic is a bad dev, then you're a horrible gamer and I wouldn't wanted you as a customer either.
Also for a byte by byte comparison you need the cracked version ... ... you're not a backer but complaining about no DRM-free release. The DRM-free release is here, you stopped complaining and instead went into full-rage mode, wishing them all the worst.
.... yeah, if Stoic is a bad dev, then you're a horrible gamer and I wouldn't wanted you as a customer either.

Registered: Mar 2012
From Poland
Posted February 08, 2014

Also for a byte by byte comparison you need the cracked version ... ... you're not a backer but complaining about no DRM-free release. The DRM-free release is here, you stopped complaining and instead went into full-rage mode, wishing them all the worst.
.... yeah, if Stoic is a bad dev, then you're a horrible gamer and I wouldn't wanted you as a customer either.

Anonymous User
Registered: Oct 2008
From Finland
Posted February 08, 2014
They are certainly slow with their communication. Backer link to DRM-free download has been up for at least a week now from same place you can get the Steam key in their forums but only mention about it is in a post in their forum promissing kickstarter update/announcement "soon". That was four days ago. It can't be that hard to make a KS news post can it? Or is it so hard to generate GOG game keys? Not to mention how long it took to make the DRM-free version in the first place.
I grew tired on waiting and downloaded it but hopefully GOG keys will be provided with the upcoming update. The download contains the soundtrack so need to check if other Special Edition goodies are included, GOG version being the standard no extras edition.
I grew tired on waiting and downloaded it but hopefully GOG keys will be provided with the upcoming update. The download contains the soundtrack so need to check if other Special Edition goodies are included, GOG version being the standard no extras edition.
John, Technical Director
The DRM free version is available on the Kickstarter download page.
We will be making an Announcement/Kickstarter Update as soon as we can.
The DRM free version is available on the Kickstarter download page.
We will be making an Announcement/Kickstarter Update as soon as we can.

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia
Posted February 08, 2014

I grew tired on waiting and downloaded it but hopefully GOG keys will be provided with the upcoming update. The download contains the soundtrack so need to check if other Special Edition goodies are included, GOG version being the standard no extras edition.
John, Technical Director
The DRM free version is available on the Kickstarter download page.
We will be making an Announcement/Kickstarter Update as soon as we can.

Registered: Sep 2008
From Czech Republic
Posted February 08, 2014
Released Steam version = Stoic got praised by Steam users
Released DRM-free version = Stoic gets shat on for doing so by DRM-free fans
I can't see very bright future for any more DRM free releases from them :-P
Released DRM-free version = Stoic gets shat on for doing so by DRM-free fans
I can't see very bright future for any more DRM free releases from them :-P
Post edited February 08, 2014 by Fenixp

Anonymous User
Registered: Oct 2008
From Finland
Posted February 08, 2014

As for DRM-free release, I think they made a plunder. Instead of making DRM-free version and adding steam features on top of that they made Steam version and had to strip out the Steam features in order to make the DRM-free version thus the DRM-free version taking longer to make. This might bite them further if and when when they make patches. We'll see.
Let's have them do it the otherway around with next episode and see what kind of shit storm it'll cause all over the place. ;-p Steam users are hardly any more lenient or patient compared to DRM-free growd, I can actually quite safely say they're far worse Just see all the where are mah steam keys/steam key gimme gimme all over the net. You can also read the early access forums if you're not convinces. It's worse than RPGCodex forums. :-p
Post edited February 08, 2014 by Petrell

Registered: Sep 2008
From Czech Republic
Posted February 08, 2014
low rated