DieRuhe: How is the e-cig? I've thought about it, but is it strictly tobacco? I've tried those "100% tobacco" cigarettes and roll-your-owns, and they do nothing for me. My body must like all the other crap they put into cigs.
Thing is, I love to smoke. I'm not ready to quit yet. But when I am, I think it will help if I don't think of it as "missing out" on something. "Oh, I just ate; I'd be lighting up right now. I'm depriving myself." "Here I am in the car, I would normally be lighting up. I'm depriving myself." I think a big part of it is simply choosing which perspective to see it from. Try to think of a positive result from not lighting up when the desire hits. "Gee, my clothes don't stink." "Hey, my car doesn't smell like an ashtray." "Hey, I'm not coughing up phlegm." "Hey, I can blow this extra money on a hooker!" :-)
There's no tobacco in the ecig, there's nicotine, and there may be a tobacco flavoring, but it can as easily be peach of apple. Basically it's propylene glicol, glicerine, nicotine and the flavor substance.
I love smoking too, i just couldn't stand the taste of packed cigarettes and regular "roll it yourself" tobacco was getting too pricey. I switched to the ecig and it works fenomenally. The only drawback is controlling how much and when You esmoke. It's easy to break that habit of "i ate, therefore i smoke", but with me it's "i smoke all the damn time". So i just went for a lower nicotine level, so as not to rise my daily intake.