stonebro: What kind of boneheaded bullshit is this? Recession because of
The global financial crisis is purely a result of a weakly regulated financial system gone awry. It's the investment bankers and people dealing in derivatives, speculating in subprime loans, giving credit cards amass to people who should never have had any, and generally making up numbers without anything real necessarily tied to them, that are to blame for the recession.
Keep the thread clean of immature anarchist emo rage in the future.
I was being sarcastic you know. btw. There is nobody to be blamed. Recession could have not been predicted as the stuff which lead to it worked for past few decades without a glitch. Mistakes done in the past were not mistakes then but standard procedures. Plz don't jump on blamewagon as witchhunts are very bad idea.
83 suspected victims of swine flu in NSW where I live. Getting interesting.