Yeah, they're pretty damn greedy. $9.99!? That's like the minimum wage for half an hour's work! We, the customers, made the companies big, so they should be paying us to play that Unreal and whatnot. They should also throw in more extras, and more money. My time is expensive, you know. I hope they feel the intensity of my fury and change their wicked ways.
I bet every game would sell more if they sold it at like... $2. I mean, come one, they'd probably sell like at least a million more copies of Battlefield 3 if they lowered the price to that. There's no reason other than greed (and the devil) to sell games at higher prices even if people would still buy them. Seriously, what the hell do they teach in all those business schools for all those years? I know so much better with common sense and stuff I came up with in the loo.
I'm not being serious, at all.