Posted September 10, 2010

Registered: Sep 2009
From Belgium

Village idiot
Registered: Feb 2010
From Germany

Not Expected!
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States

Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden
Posted September 10, 2010

I've had like 1200 MS points for almost 6 months, granted, 14.99$ at a 2%APY is only like 5 cents. However, it does add up. I am always going to have points remaining.
I just dont see using this, I mean, perhaps using a credit card to buy the points then paying the card off during the grace period so I get more of a cash back reward from my CC and then if something intrests me snagging it... But, I dont see where that is really any different then just buying with my CC and then paying it off when I see something that I want as the balance of points gains me nothing.
My point is that it's not a good thing. It's a sale thing. They're trying to get you to buy more than you really want.

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Registered: Nov 2009
From United States
Posted September 10, 2010

And retarded parents are everywhere.
Snow, Bears, Moose, Wolverines, Foxes, -50F Temp, Wolves, Marmuts, Glacier Crevasses to Navigate. People hunting via planes shooting at EVERYTHING just because.
Also, You've seen 30 days of night, YEAH. We had Vampires in those days..... True Story
Oh and everyone is effing crazy............
Seriously, Where else in the world do people take a team of sled dogs to get to school, or live in igloo :)

Registered: Sep 2009
From Belgium

Yay old game preservation
Registered: Sep 2008
From Hungary
Posted September 10, 2010
Well, I can actually see one thing in its defense. In countries like mine, where currency fluctuates a lot (in the past 1 month, 1 USD has been everything between 210 and 225 HUF; Euro changed a lot, too), especially if it shows a tendency of deteriorating (as HUF does...), it might be a good idea to deposit funds you wanted to spend on Steam anyway when it's relatively favorable, and then you can pay with them even when you normally would have to spend a lot more of your own currency for the same amount of $/€.
That said, for most users, it might indeed be superfluous.
That said, for most users, it might indeed be superfluous.

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Registered: Nov 2009
From United States

Registered: Sep 2009
From Belgium
Posted September 10, 2010

That said, for most users, it might indeed be superfluous.
That is certainly a valid reason. however, I think you wrongly presume that steam gives a rat's ass about the exchange rates. Like the 1 euro / 1 dollar debate.

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Registered: Nov 2009
From United States
Posted September 10, 2010

(also, igloo's in iraq o_O)
I was raised in Alaska :) I've only beein in Iraq like... 6 years? (closer to 4 here in Iraq if you take into account time spent in Afganistan and other shitholes :P)
lol....We also back in the day had to worry about the Children of the Corn. and Russian Invasions, (I CAN SEE RUSSIA FROM MY HOUSE!!!!).
But seriously have you ever tried to take a poop in an outhouse at -50 Temp? Your skin can freeze to the seat.......and imagine being 6 years old with your ass frozen to a toliet seat having to call in Paramedics to fly in because there is no medical personal in your village... 8 Hours, on a shitter....I'd deal with Germans shooting at me any day over being known as the kid who's ass got frozen to a toliet seat..

Registered: Sep 2009
From Belgium
Posted September 10, 2010

(also, igloo's in iraq o_O)

lol....We also back in the day had to worry about the Children of the Corn. and Russian Invasions, (I CAN SEE RUSSIA FROM MY HOUSE!!!!).
But seriously have you ever tried to take a poop in an outhouse at -50 Temp? Your skin can freeze to the seat.......and imagine being 6 years old with your ass frozen to a toliet seat having to call in Paramedics to fly in because there is no medical personal in your village... 8 Hours, on a shitter....I'd deal with Germans shooting at me any day over being known as the kid who's ass got frozen to a toliet seat..
I tried the "tongue sticks to frozen pole" thing once (hint: it does). Does that count? :p

Yay old game preservation
Registered: Sep 2008
From Hungary
Posted September 10, 2010

That said, for most users, it might indeed be superfluous.

I don't expect Steam to care about exchange rates. I only say that someone uploads, for example, €50 to his/her Steam wallet (to be paid for a specific, later-released Steam game) with an echange rate of €1=x HUF. It may happen that, when said game is released, exchange rate is $1=x+10 HUF (it DOES happen, a lot). He/she will still get the game for 50x HUF, and not 50(x+10) HUF.

Game Fanatic
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted September 10, 2010
I could see me putting in $5 or $10 a month to store up in preparation for their legendary sales. Unlike the similar console services where there's rarely something worth buying added, Steam always has lots and lots of great old, independent, and new games coming in coupled with ridiculous sales such that the money wouldn't be stored in the wallet too long for me.

Who am I?
Registered: Nov 2009
From United States
Posted September 10, 2010

Lol not nearly the same :P

I could see that and yeah that makes sense, and just depending on the stability of the currenecy I could see how that might make the deals even better.
Post edited September 10, 2010 by akwater

Registered: Sep 2008
From Czech Republic
Posted September 10, 2010
I REALLY hope it'll be optional rather than obligatory like in PSN store. And if it is, it'll be a good thing - right now I pay my bank for every transaction in other currency. This way I could just transfer some ammount of money to Steam and pay it only once.