Goatbrush: I was considering The Last Remnant but I'm not sure. I've heard mixed things.
I finished playing The Last Remnant for the past few hours now and can say that the game is pretty cool. The protagonist is a bit of a tool, the standard teenage protagonist in these things, but the supporting characters seem more level headed.
The combat is very interesting. It is still the standard form of menu-driven turn-based combat for JRPGs, but they put their twist by instead of controlling individual characters, you control small units. Each character in the unit can act independently though, for example: you can give an order for them to keep their health up, that way assuming that a single healing item is enough, only one of the characters in the unit will use an item while others may still engage in combat. There's the matter of moving around the battlefield, if you attack an enemy unit on one corner another one in the center may attack you triggering a flank attack, which gives a damage bonus. I haven't experimented much with it but it seems that carefully planning your movements in regards to the enemy will be one of the biggest parts of the combat.
A lot of the game's initial poor ratings as I recall came from all its graphical issues on the 360. The biggest problem was the constant stuttering, FPS drops and slowdown, which thankfully seem to be gone here (or at least it was on my PC). Unfortunately the textures still load awfully slow, it is very jarring to every time you walk into a room to have to wait a while for them to pop up. There are some fixes on the ini file that apparently help, I used them but the textures still take a second to load, I'm not sure if the fixes just didn't take or if that is them helping and without it it would be worse.
All in all, I do think it's a good game. If for you it's a matter of whether or not you'll ever get around to playing it, then it's up to you, if it's a matter of price then I can say it is certainly worth the price tag it has now.