babark: Seems better to ask this here than create a new thread for it, I was just wondering if someone could suggest to me some good relatively recent (last 3-4 years) AAA games (i.e. not indie and not old, I can get those here) to keep an eye on in the sale? Something hopefully without even more DRM layered on top of Steam. Something that can come on sale not more than $13, since that is all I have in steam credit. Also, something not multiplayer focused (my connection cannot handle that) or strategy/racing/sports (unless they're really really really really really good, because those genres don't interest me as much).
I can tell you I already own or have played Batman: Arkham Asylum & City, Bioshock Infinite, Borderlands 1 & 2, all the Civs, Dragon Age: Origins, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Dishonoured, Fallout 3 & New Vegas, Just Cause 2, Kingdom's of Amalur: Reckoning, Mass Effect 1 & 3, all 3 Max Paynes, Saints Row 3, Sleeping Dogs, Skyrim, Thief 4 (blekh) and XCOM Enemy Unknown.
I was eyeing Far Cry 3, but it has uplay, and Tomb Raider, but I hear it is irritatingly on-the-rails lead-by-the-nose, despite being good storywise and archerywise. Currently I'm eyeing Saints Row IV, but since it is a popular game, I'm sure it'll repeat the last day, so I can wait if something better is expected to come along. I was looking at Dark Souls as well, but I don't have a controller (although I could PROBABLY get one), and I'm not sure how much the multiplayer aspect of the game is prominent.
Whew...that ended up long. Maybe I should've created a separate thread? But since it is here already, any help? Thanks!