Sachys: no worries. think i also had to add it to the DEP exception list. but nothing too fiddly for a 75% off deal - and the 60+ hours i got out of it. did prefer new vegas by a long way... but F3 had some great moments and was good value at that price - really enjoyed it!
Leroux: Yeah, F3 is the only one of the series I'm still missing, but I haven't played a single one of them yet, heh. I really should stop buying and start playing the Fallout games. ;)
Am I right in assuming FNV is partly turn-based or at least using a pause key and a tactical menu, while F3's combat is fast-paced real-time action like a FPS?
they both have a version of the turn based VATS system - but being an FPS it has been integrated in such a way that its not 100% turn based combat (it sometimes pays off to take a pot shot to instigate combat - then use VATS).
EDIT: but you'll still have to work in realtime too
difficult to describe beyond that, but (presuming you're familir with morrowind / oblivion / skyrim at all... mix that with an amount of pausable targeting / combat abilities. can be quite strategic, but remeins fresh as the same approach wont work everytime if you die.