dr.schliemann: Psyringe, you surely got my attention writing words like "investigative gameplay" and "original, detailed, well-executed setting". I think I'll grab it, even though I am almost sure we will see it in some bundle sooner or later. My greates fear was
this review, since I usually agree with IGN. I still shiver when thinking about the terrible
Mata Hari.
Hmm. I played Mata Hari and wasn't too thrilled by that game either. I don't regret buying it, but in my opinion "Mata Hari" has "missed opportunity" written all over it. The devs chose a fascinating historical period for that game and then ... didn't actually use it for anything. The game's story is extremely generic and rather bland, imho.
"Culpa Innata", on the other hand, does exactly what I missed in Mata Hari - its setting is fleshed out with a ton of details and background information, and it permeates the game. For someone like me, who likes philosophical "What if?" scenarios and who appreciates attention to detail a lot, "Culpa Innata" was a rare treat.
I read the IGN review you linked to. I think I can see where the reviewer is coming from, and I don't think that "Culpa Innata" is a game for everybody. But on the other hand, that review is on the same level as reading Orwell's "1984" and then dismissing it with statements like "People would never live under such an oppressive government, people always strive for freedom, this book is completely unrealistic and the writing isn't witty enough to make up for it." The reviewer wasn't open to the game's premise because it disagrees with his idea of how humans "are", and apparently he then wasn't able to see what the game has to offer for people who approach the game more open-minded.