P1na: I just realized that the brothers in arms pack, which I intended to buy this sale, is actually more expensive than each game on their own. Is there some place on steam to complain on steam, or they just laugh at you if you do buy?
This is the second sale I'm hoping that thing goes on sale, I skipped it a few sales back and I've been wanting it ever since :(
nijuu: Gamemaker Studio -66% $33.99 (dont understand point of selling app software.Most of us are on Steam for game sales).
I actually don't mind as much, although I don't like them taking a spot on the sales pages.
After getting one of my secondary emails spammed with deals for certain software I was using I realized that a lot of them probably have very regular sales, I'm just never aware of them. Having them on Steam and visible would probably make me buy more of them, provided they have good sales of course.