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Ralackk: What do you mean by dead?
KavazovAngel: By dead I mean I cannot play as it requires activation. Okay, because I had a trial account. Maybe they fixed that. But a friend of mine has a proper account, logs in daily and still, the offline mode doesn't work for him either.

It works for me. The latest patch says that they fixed a bug with people not being able to play offline so my guess is that with that fix they introduced a different bug that affected other people.
PoSSeSSeDCoW: It works for me. The latest patch says that they fixed a bug with people not being able to play offline so my guess is that with that fix they introduced a different bug that affected other people.

Yup. Other people have also reported this problem.
I don't care much, as the game should arrive at my house on Monday or Tuesday (Wednesday at the latest), but still, a problem is a problem.
KavazovAngel: Yup. Other people have also reported this problem.
I don't care much, as the game should arrive at my house on Monday or Tuesday (Wednesday at the latest), but still, a problem is a problem.

It definitely is a problem and it's good that people are reporting it; I was just commenting that it was probably accidental rather than intentional.
My copy arrived!
Goodbye life, hello Starcraft 2!
Currently going through the campaign on brutal difficulty. The difficulty is extremely tightly tuned, it's a blast.
If you're a SC veteran, I definitely recommend just flat out starting on brutal. The game is much more fun on brutal than on hard.
stonebro: Currently going through the campaign on brutal difficulty. The difficulty is extremely tightly tuned, it's a blast.
If you're a SC veteran, I definitely recommend just flat out starting on brutal. The game is much more fun on brutal than on hard.

The challenge missions are eeeaaasssyyy! :P They should add achievements for perfect scores or something.
Starting the campaign right now. Will pick Brutal. :D Thanks.
Wow... Brutal is... Brutal! :)
The achievements also add up to the tension. I've been playing the first three missions for like 4-5 hours now. Got everything, only left to do the Hard difficulty on Zero Hour.
One thing is quite interesting... Normal feels like a game. Brutal feels like another game. Its a totally different experience. :)
Post edited August 30, 2010 by KavazovAngel
"While you will need to connect to to authenticate the game once every 30 days, you will not need to create an online account if you only play using a guest profile. However, while playing as a guest you cannot earn achievements nor play multiplayer."
"While you will need to connect to to authenticate the game once every 30 days, you will not need to create an online account if you only play using a guest profile. However, while playing as a guest you cannot earn achievements nor play multiplayer."

Seems okay to me. You have to count the fact that one simple account can spawn infinite number of functional single player copies. So I guess they have to protect themselves somehow.
I'm almost done with all campaign achievements... The only problems are the All In mission and In Utter Darkness mission on Brutal. They are damn freaking almost impossible. <- key word, almost. I will beat you, damn Zerg!
By the way, here is my profile. ;)
Post edited September 07, 2010 by KavazovAngel
I have not tried it yet, but from the amount of discussion on gaming sites, Blizzard does seem to have damages it once striling reputation with the flawed launch of the game. Granted, it is not a disaster like Stardock has with Elemental, but it seems as though the once pristine rep that Blizzard had with games has been tarnished a little.
dudalb: I have not tried it yet, but from the amount of discussion on gaming sites, Blizzard does seem to have damages it once striling reputation with the flawed launch of the game. Granted, it is not a disaster like Stardock has with Elemental, but it seems as though the once pristine rep that Blizzard had with games has been tarnished a little.

I can assure you that most of the negative posts are made because it is cool to hate Blizzard (same way as it is cool to hate Microsoft).
The game is beautifully crafted, it is one of the best games in the freaking history of gaming (:laugh:). I might sound like a Blizzard "fanboy", but seriously, don't let some trolls keep you away from this game. ;)
On another note, I finally beat In Utter Darkness on Brutal. Hell yeah! For other players: make sure you build a DT wall and then mass Phoenixes. Keep micro-scounting for Observers, if you see one, snipe it with the Phoenixes.
30xx kills on Brutal, hell yea! :p
Officially done with the single player (all missions, difficulties, achievements). League play, here I come! :p
I can't remind the person whom I argued here with about that game... it was a few months (you know I was saying that game was too much expansive etc...) but I need to apologise as it comes to interest me more than I ever tough, so take note if you read me :)
The only issue that keeps me away from this game is it's worth in multiplayer. Not that it isn't good but it looks quite different from the first SC. I've watched a few commented matches on youtube and it seemed that the game was even more about tricks and feints that the first starcraft was, do we get actual "big battles" (Let's say 40 units in each side, 30+ mins of gameplay) in multiplayer ? or does the game only evolve around skirmishes and tricks, that require even more micro management ? Can we have a real fun as a casual player or is it just a game designed for E-sports and very demanding ?
Narakir: Can we have a real fun as a casual player or is it just a game designed for E-sports and very demanding ?

The game is micro-intensive, that's for sure. You are unlikely to get 40v40 battles... in fact, if you have let your enemy reach 30-40 units, defeat is almost inevitable. The game is fast, with multiple skirmishes being the norm.
Having said that, the game is still fun to play casually. The placement system is pretty thorough, so you will almost always be placed in the correct bracket and will play against others of similar skill. You can learn from every single match you play, whether you win or lose, and you can use that knowledge and experience to get better the next time. It's a blast to play team games with/against friends, especially if you have voice com enabled. And as always, don't place too much value to winning or losing and you will have fun. If you're the kind who always has to win, then yea, this game can be very demanding... but the game is also good if you're just looking to have fun with some friends or such.
Narakir: The only issue that keeps me away from this game is it's worth in multiplayer. Not that it isn't good but it looks quite different from the first SC. I've watched a few commented matches on youtube and it seemed that the game was even more about tricks and feints that the first starcraft was, do we get actual "big battles" (Let's say 40 units in each side, 30+ mins of gameplay) in multiplayer ? or does the game only evolve around skirmishes and tricks, that require even more micro management ? Can we have a real fun as a casual player or is it just a game designed for E-sports and very demanding ?

There's a league for casual players, and it's called the bronze league.
The game isn't really suited towards turtling and amassing huge armies. You run out of resources in your main fast, so you have to expect more clashes with your opponents. That being said, 20-30 units for each side isn't uncommon even in midgame.
It's definitely not designed for e-sports or very demanding. You need to know the good strategies, all the counters, and build orders, but you don't really need twitch reactions and godly APM to be competitive.