dudalb: I have not tried it yet, but from the amount of discussion on gaming sites, Blizzard does seem to have damages it once striling reputation with the flawed launch of the game. Granted, it is not a disaster like Stardock has with Elemental, but it seems as though the once pristine rep that Blizzard had with games has been tarnished a little.
I can assure you that most of the negative posts are made because it is cool to hate Blizzard (same way as it is cool to hate Microsoft).
The game is beautifully crafted, it is one of the best games in the freaking history of gaming (:laugh:). I might sound like a Blizzard "fanboy", but seriously, don't let some trolls keep you away from this game. ;)
On another note, I finally beat In Utter Darkness on Brutal. Hell yeah! For other players: make sure you build a DT wall and then mass Phoenixes. Keep micro-scounting for Observers, if you see one, snipe it with the Phoenixes.
30xx kills on Brutal, hell yea! :p