tinyE: To help out my friend here I will give you the correct Tomb Raider order
Tomb Raider 1
Tomb Raider 2
Tomb Raider 3
You guys following me?
You're forgetting a bunch of other games that also have
Tomb Raider in it, probably another 3 titles at least...
Although more confusing is which order the XBox consoles came out with in regards to their names.
snowkatt: yes and so was soul reaver 1
soul reaver 1 is also on the dreamcast
Actually i have the PS1 version of Soul Reaver 1, but i played it on my computer back in the day when my computer was a 800Mhz system. Had a cool screen shot of him at his strongest with the fire blade. Although i
did try the PS1 version, the framerate was too choppy.
snowkatt: if you have a ps2 you can play the whole series on one machine
That would have been nice...