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CD Projekt RED Group Spring Conference live tomorrow at 5:00 PM GMT

People say it is not spring until you can plant your foot upon twelve daisies. has proven otherwise, and you knew it’s spring after eight daisies already: Legend of Grimrock, Treasure Adventure Game, Trine, The Whispered World, Machinarium, Wing Commander 4, Spacechem, and Darwinia. However, as many a sudden change takes place on a spring day, we’re about to reveal another four amazing daisies tomorrow during CD Projekt RED Group Spring Conference.

The harvest of a whole year depends on what you sow in the springtime. And this year, oh boy, we’re into some serious sowing. During CD Projekt RED Group Spring Conference we will:
* tell you what has changed on in case you missed it
* offer a sneak peek at future releases
* give you a special gift as a big, sweet “thank you” to our users

Remember that those who arrive to the spring first, drink the purest water-- or
Remember that spring won't come from one flower--we need plenty of you to watch the CD Projekt RED Group Spring Conference!
I also found the conference kind of a disappointing. I was going in thinking "I bet everything free they announce I already bought" and I was right. Not a big deal really but it was a bit of a disappointment. I was hoping they'd just do a pick one from the list type promos rather than just Fallout which I think a good majority of current GoG users already have in their accounts. I kind of regret my Witcher purchase now. I bought the GoG version as a backup/replacement of my retail TAGES infected version as soon as it was released. Hind sight is 20/20 though, who would have thought they'd just give it away for free :). Good news for anyone out there that still has the DRM infected versions or doesn't have the game yet. Hopefully this will bring in more customers to GoG.

Though I do have 1 major issue with the conference. I don't have a Mac, I don't care to own a Mac either, but WTF CDP? You won't offer a DRM free version for Mac users? That's a slap in the face to your digital distribution platform if I ever saw one. I guess it could be a calculated move because Mac users are generally in the camp of convenience over anything else, but it still bothers me a lot that if I wanted to buy a copy of the Witcher for my brother who is a Mac user, I'd have to let him use Steam. CDP, GoG is your platform, it is DRM-Free, the website, and your optional download client!!! You are basically giving your competitor an advantage on the Mac and I just can't understand the reasoning behind it.
Fallout for free, I already have it :(. I am not to worried as you gave me and others Empire Earth in December and I am also still recovering from the greatness that is Treasure Adventure Game. I kinda feel bad for you though GOG, there are many "entitled people" who will get their pitchforks ready for this, shall we say, "outrage". You better close the drawbridge and ready the catapults and trebuchets while you still can. They are coming.
Post edited April 05, 2012 by deshadow52
Thanks for the free Fallout! This will compliment the CD version which I now will not need to use ;)

I'm also excited about the free upgrade to Witcher 2. You have seriously passed full expansion pack quality here and you are giving away for free... Thanks!

Was a little disappointed at the Steam exclusive, but I'm hoping that opens up other doors for GOG.

Thanks again! (I'm hoping for many more newer game treatment like you did for AC and HOM&M)
The amount of entitlement coming from this thread is almost Steam forum-worthy. For shame.
Vitek: Here we go again. As expected some people get themself hyped a lot and when GOG makes some ordinary announcent (not offering System Shock for free together with complete LucasArt catalogue) they will be disappointed and whine about it here. :-/
Wait, how did you know?? You're truly a seasoned veteran.
Did they say what's the prize for people who already own Fallout 1? Just curious.
RafaelLopez: Did they say what's the prize for people who already own Fallout 1? Just curious.
The prize is the warm feeling knowing that we Fallout 1 fans shall soon have more converts to our cause? :)
Pemptus: The amount of entitlement coming from this thread is almost Steam forum-worthy. For shame.
Spot on. I cringe every time I read a Steam-based thread and nothing but:

"Can it be activated on Steam?"
"Does it work on Steam?"
"Is it Steamworks?"
"No Steam, no sale."

One day all the Steamheads are going to start whining about how big and out of control Steam became. They'll ask, "How did this happen?" but probably won't look in the mirror or question their Steam entitlement, obsession, and irrational fanboy loyalty.

This is why I love GOG. It's the anti-Steam. No DRM. Free goodies for customers. GOG is the best distribution platform out there along with Amazon. I hope that GOG customers don't start taking this site for granted and whine about everything like Steamboys do.
mondo84: One day all the Steamheads are going to start whining about how big and out of control Steam became. They'll ask, "How did this happen?" but probably won't look in the mirror or question their Steam entitlement, obsession, and irrational fanboy loyalty.
If that future actually happens then will probably have been crushed alongside the rest of the competition and you'll be sitting there with the rest of them ^^
mondo84: One day all the Steamheads are going to start whining about how big and out of control Steam became. They'll ask, "How did this happen?" but probably won't look in the mirror or question their Steam entitlement, obsession, and irrational fanboy loyalty.
Pheace: If that future actually happens then will probably have been crushed alongside the rest of the competition and you'll be sitting there with the rest of them ^^
False assumption. I use Steam but I'm not a fanboy. I use other platforms (GOG, Gamersgate, etc.) an buy elsewhere whenever possible. If Steam kills the competition it won't be because of me.

Nice try, though.
mondo84: Nice try, though.
And... you won't be lamenting that future then? :) That was my point ^^ Didn't mean to say it'd be your fault (as well)
Post edited April 05, 2012 by Pheace
So much bitching from some users. Entitlement at it's worst...

Like a lot of people, I bought TW2 both retail and GOG and I was glad I could support these fine people and their service. Because of them, I was able to buy and play many good old and not so old games that I was not able to get otherwise. They were all DRM free, which was even two year ago a crucial thing for me because my main PC was not internet accessible. No, I could not use steam at that time, but I was able to use GOG's service. I'm grateful for that.

Even though Fallout was one of the first games I bought here, I am grateful that many more people can now download it for free and play it. Same goes for TW2, since a lot of users can now download it for free here if they already own it elsewhere and as such can make a digital backup, courtesy of GOG. That's a fine gesture and I thank you.

I hope you all the best, GOG, and I, for one, will be you wingman. Because you've been mine.
Post edited April 05, 2012 by Titanium
Nirth_90: Is there a YouTube clip or somewhere else on the spring conference? I missed it partly because I don't like to stream when servers will have a bandwidth overusage.
I'm sure someone has it somewhere, but don't worry and keep an eye out, they mentioned in the feed that they'll be posting the HD version soon.

And to CD Projekt/RED and thank you. Like a few others here, I've been mulling buying Fallout for a little while, so I appreciate the opportunity to finally play it.. I'm really happy to see newer Ubisoft games coming here DRM-free. I really look forward to your next releases as well.

mondo84: Spot on. I cringe every time I read a Steam-based thread and nothing but:

"Can it be activated on Steam?"
"Does it work on Steam?"
"Is it Steamworks?"
"No Steam, no sale."

One day all the Steamheads are going to start whining about how big and out of control Steam became. They'll ask, "How did this happen?" but probably won't look in the mirror or question their Steam entitlement, obsession, and irrational fanboy loyalty.

This is why I love GOG. It's the anti-Steam. No DRM. Free goodies for customers. GOG is the best distribution platform out there along with Amazon. I hope that GOG customers don't start taking this site for granted and whine about everything like Steamboys do.
Agreed. Also, in addition to your quoted questions, the other one that gets me is when someone decries any and all forms of DRM, but then turns around and begs developers to include Steamworks in their titles.
Many thanks for Fallout! I already own the collection on disc, but this will do nicely..