misteryo: Well, how about separate "Spam" and "Troll" buttons?
Seriously, you may understand the word "spam" narrowly as advertisement bot-created threads. But, an awful lot of people use the term more liberally than that. And without any way to differentiate why you are reporting the thread, the spam function gets overused.
On the other hand, I'm not very concerned. I don't really think we're losing anything of lasting value.
Actually I used to think of spam the same way - threads that "spam" very wrong ideas and miss-information, rather then advertisements.
I know at the wishlists those are generally only ads, but In more then one case I considered bickering (such as the DEMAND for steam) nothing more then spam. I didn't report, but I wouldn't be surprised if some Gog fanatics who shared my opinion did.
What we are losing is the puns! As we can see clearly in the example right below, it is most definitely a loss to the comunity (not to mention the sacrifices endured by the likes of F1ach). without it why do we need Sachys and TinyE? XD
BlackThorny: Nooo! I posted a bad(?) joke there that I really hoped would start a (bad?) discussion!
Did you see it snowkatt before the thread was gone? the reply was to your question
snowkatt: ...so why was i quoted ?
Well as mentioned, my post was a reply to you - you asked what did the op want - I said he is complaining we can't down-vote blues.
Sorry snowkatt it's not me, it's the forum! it negated my edits - this is the 3rd time I'm trying - will it be the charm?
apparently it didn't - so trying for the 4th
Nope - 5th time around - now coming to a new post near you!
Still not - 6th - I think I know why it doesn't work - It can't quote a post that was published AFTER the one being edited. well it worked.