Elmofongo: Coca Cola makes me feel sick sometimes especially drinking one from McDonalds. What do you expect from a drink that when it first appered they actually put Coccain inside the drink back in the 1930s :P
Coca, not cocaine.
Coca leaves used for the pre-cocacola "vin mariani" were the rage, but were (and are) also used in a lot of native south-american, for ritualistic, or recreational, or medicamental concemption, mostly chewing. The fact that these plants, when treated in industrial quantities and with certain chemicals (acids, etc) can be used to extract what cocaine is made of, has nothing to do with the traditional usage of coca in those societies, nor with its european consumption when it was fashionable.
It's actually a huge issue now, not only because of the drug industries (mass plantations, circulation, cartels and related slave-like usage of workforce for the extraction and fabrication of cocaine) being dirtectly devastating in the areas where coca was grown and used, but also because traditional culture and usage of coca is a collateral damage of the war against cocaine - both through indiscriminale laws and general confusion of representations.
So, no, peruvian cultures were not cacainomaniac, despite of their heavy usage of coca chewing and infusions. Keeping coca and cocaine as separate elements is quite important.
(Plus, this has nothing to do, nowadays, with pepsi and coca-cola being different on not. And I have yet to see super-opinionated "coca vs pepsi" people succeed at a blind test, outside of commercial videos. But, that's another issue, much more futile than coca politics and indigeneous rights...)