JustSayin: A multicultural zygote has the makings of a super baby.
tinyE: I'm sorry I'm still stunned by the line "hiding behind your academic history". Way to take over a debate: insult your opponent by accusing him of being smart.
You know that really is a big problem in this country, too many people
reading and
studying and
learning. I'm surprised he has time to hang out and posts in here what with all the book burnings he must attend on a daily basis.
Hiding behind academic history means relying only on one's ability to repeat everything he/she was told in a classroom and believing this makes him/her automatically smarter, wiser, and better informed than everyone else.
http://dissidentthinker.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/c6gjs.jpg I've got nothing against intelligence in itself or being able to repeat statement or follow orders with precision since there are times and places for that like taking a math test or working in an assembly line. That being said, education in academic institutions is insufficient and one needs to do one's own research and analysis.
infinite9: Nice little comeback. Does that make you feel better about yourself when you're not hiding behind your academic history to cover your own ignorance?
Face it. We who support a common language for the Untied States are way wiser and smarter than you can ever predict.
Nice attempt at trying to cover up your own ignorance and sympathy for the
multicultural zealots. JustSayin: Tha fuck? BWAHAHAHAHA!!! What the hell is a multicultural zealot?
Multicultural zealot refers to someone who believes that everyone should be able to speak only his/her own personal language regardless of which country he/she is living in or what they are doing in that country as well as demand that his/her personal foreign cultural values should become the standard in his/her new home country.
In other words, multicultural zealots are the same people who believe that US public schools should be required to teach in not only English but also the first language of the immigrant student meaning that US public school would be required to teach not only in English but also Spanish, Cambodian, Korean, Portuguese, and basically every other language and dialect in the world. They also are same people who believe that pushing out the culture of one country to make room for the culture of another country just because of some immigrants' demands is somehow "diversity" or "enrichment."