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Antibiotics, hell, what do you people do when sober?
I once went sober for an entire term of uni. Just to try it out. Went out for drinks with mates (softdrinks for me of course). Tried to stay on the social scene despite being sober. It sucked.

Smoothies might help, some people find their construction enjoyable. Furthermore when the antibiotics subside you will have some cool recipes to stick vodka in.

I found gaming was a good distraction. I played through Tiberium Sun in no time at all.
orcishgamer: Antibiotics, hell, what do you people do when sober?
Honestly, I pretend to be drunk.
Unless your doctor's specifically told you, it's a myth that you can't drink on antibiotics. There's only certain types that it's not recommended to (specifically ones that go through the liver). So I'd just look up the type you're on and seek the advice of a medical professional, if you haven't already.
This answer may disappoint you but I never saw a good reason to drink in the first place. What was yours? Answering that might also help answering your original question.
wpegg: I once went sober for an entire term of uni. Just to try it out. Went out for drinks with mates (softdrinks for me of course). Tried to stay on the social scene despite being sober. It sucked.
Well, if the "social scene" is so bad that you can only stand it while drunk, I'd look for a different social scene ... ;)

Your post makes it sound as if drinking was somehow necessary to enjoy a social life. That would be quite sad if it were true, thankfully it isn't.
Post edited November 15, 2011 by Psyringe
Gremmi: Unless your doctor's specifically told you, it's a myth that you can't drink on antibiotics. There's only certain types that it's not recommended to (specifically ones that go through the liver). So I'd just look up the type you're on and seek the advice of a medical professional, if you haven't already.
It depends on the extent of the myth. Can't drink is almost certainly a myth on just about all antibiotics. I don't know of any that would provoke a fatal reaction from being combined with *some* alcohol. Shouldn't drink to any excess applies to all, as drinking reduces the effectiveness of the immune system.
Gremmi: Unless your doctor's specifically told you, it's a myth that you can't drink on antibiotics. There's only certain types that it's not recommended to (specifically ones that go through the liver). So I'd just look up the type you're on and seek the advice of a medical professional, if you haven't already.
This one is excreted through the liver and kidneys, there is no direct contraindication. According to the pharmacist I just called "There's no contra indication but we don't recommend drinking if you're trying to heal." To which I replied "So you're telling me not to wash the antibiotic down with scotch then, right?"
Psyringe: Well, if the "social scene" is so bad that you can only stand it while drunk, I'd look for a different social scene ... ;)

Your post makes it sound as if drinking was somehow necessary to enjoy a social life. That would be quite sad if it were true, thankfully it isn't.
Ok, we get it. However the social scene at most universities (in the UK) is often heavily oriented around pubs and bars. When I went into one of Durham's nightclubs sober (the second worst in Europe apparrently) it was a frightening experience, and one that made me appreciate how much of a social lubricant acohol is in such an environment. I didn't return when sober.

So I'm not suggesting that you can't have fun when sober, simply that a lot of that culture is oriented around being drunk, and if you're part of that scene, suddenly being the sober one is a shock.
Psyringe: This answer may disappoint you but I never saw a good reason to drink in the first place. What was yours? Answering that might also help answering your original question.
I drink because I'm happiest drunk. Don't get me wrong, I work sober, I do outdoor activities (when it's not fucking raining), I do yoga (when I'm not fucking sick as a dog), but frankly shit just isn't all that interesting much of the time and I actually like drinking, it lowers my stress level more than 90 minutes of intense hot yoga (or 90 minutes of anything, aside from perhaps screwing) and narrows my focus enough that I can enjoy what I'm trying to focus on.

Plus I'm a hedonist, I've got one life that's essentially half over and I'm not going to avoid enjoying stuff I find enjoyable so long as it's not lethal.
Psyringe: Well, if the "social scene" is so bad that you can only stand it while drunk, I'd look for a different social scene ... ;)
Trust me, many folks aren't that interesting, they're not bad people, they're just not imaginative or creative. I'd just as soon drink with those types of people. As for when I get to hang out with imaginative and creative people I haven't found that drinking makes them less so.
Post edited November 15, 2011 by orcishgamer
This thread is genuinely surprising to me.
Vorax: This thread is genuinely surprising to me.
The existence of it? The fact orcish can be harmed by puny bacterium? The advocation of drinking, or the fact that someone might take time not to do so?
wpegg: The fact orcish can be harmed by puny bacterium?
This shocked me as much as you, trust me:)
wpegg: The existence of it? The fact orcish can be harmed by puny bacterium? The advocation of drinking, or the fact that someone might take time not to do so?
The existence of it, no. The fact that microorganisms can be harmful to humans, also no. But that orcishgamer is a(n apperently) heavy(?) drinker is.
wpegg: The existence of it? The fact orcish can be harmed by puny bacterium? The advocation of drinking, or the fact that someone might take time not to do so?
Vorax: The existence of it, no. The fact that microorganisms can be harmful to humans, also no. But that orcishgamer is a(n apperently) heavy(?) drinker is.
Depends what you call heavy, when my daughter is over I stop at 0-1 beers per day (usually more to zero, but I like a beer while I'm cooking dinner, so sometimes I drink one anyway). When I'm exercising heavily I will cut out alcohol in order to speed up gains (or weight loss). But I really love beer and scotch (something I'm sure readers of the drunk thread already know) and I tend to drink when I'm playing video games or just after work until my steam is blown off (or sometimes to annoy people who I know will get a hang over trying to keep up with me if I'm in a group - yes, I'm one of those assholes, no hangovers).

I don't black out and have puked a grand total of once in my life (from consumption of alcohol).

I guess I just find the prospect of not being able to drink for a period of time when it's not my choice rather annoying, even though I've gone much longer by choice. And I know around the holidays I'll be forced into situations where I'd really rather drink:(
orcishgamer: Antibiotics, hell, what do you people do when sober?
Well you could always post on an Internet forum.

Possibly more useful suggestion: find a strategy game you can stand and crank the difficulty up.