Psyringe: This answer may disappoint you but I never saw a good reason to drink in the first place. What was yours? Answering that might also help answering your original question.
I drink because I'm happiest drunk. Don't get me wrong, I work sober, I do outdoor activities (when it's not fucking raining), I do yoga (when I'm not fucking sick as a dog), but frankly shit just isn't all that interesting much of the time and I actually like drinking, it lowers my stress level more than 90 minutes of intense hot yoga (or 90 minutes of anything, aside from perhaps screwing) and narrows my focus enough that I can enjoy what I'm trying to focus on.
Plus I'm a hedonist, I've got one life that's essentially half over and I'm not going to avoid enjoying stuff I find enjoyable so long as it's not lethal.
Psyringe: Well, if the "social scene" is so bad that you can only stand it while drunk, I'd look for a different social scene ... ;)
Trust me, many folks aren't that interesting, they're not bad people, they're just not imaginative or creative. I'd just as soon drink with those types of people. As for when I get to hang out with imaginative and creative people I haven't found that drinking makes them less so.