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So I haven't played WoW Since 2010, when WOTLK was all the rage

Today I bought a WoW Cataclysm Collector's edition brand new and sealed for 18 Euro and finally upgraded from WOTLK to Cata, I'm thinking about Starting new and fresh on Outland EU PVP once MoP launches, I'm thinking a Fire Mage since I've already played SPriest/AFFlock and Rogue to death

My question to you is: Are you planning to resub once MoP launches? Do you still play? Did you play? did you purchase the Annual pass that came with the Free Diablo 3?

This thread is dedicated to all the Veterans, like me, who have played WoW since 2004

Classic Media:

What it was like to play During Launch

You Stole my Fucking cloudsong

Lore, lol


50 Fucking DKP Minus
Quit after WOTLK. WoW just isn't exciting any more. Newer and better stuff is out there to play.
I quit after WoTLK as well. Did some raiding but it was hard since I switched countries and such. I also noticed that the dungeons were nothing more than just straight corridors whereas in the original game they were labyrynthine (spelling?) and somewhat more interesting...
I will definitely come back, dunno when, though. Maybe after I find a job.

EDIT: I will get Mists of Pandaria, even though I haven't seen anything from Cataclysm, and only seen around 25% of WotLK.
Post edited May 17, 2012 by Elenarie
I quit after that blood elf or what they're called expansion. When I quit that time I had already quit a couple times before because the grindfeast bored me. Played a while with Burning Crusade (?) but it didn't change much so I got bored after a while again.

When WoW go F2P I'll probably start playing again.
Post edited May 17, 2012 by Tarm
Tarm: I quit after that blood elf or what they're called expansion. When I quit that time I had already quit a couple times before because the grindfeast bored me. Played a while with Burning Crusade (?) but it didn't change much so I got bored after a while again.

When WoW go F2P I'll probably start playing again.
The Burning Crusade *was* the expansion that brought the blood elves....
Tarm: I quit after that blood elf or what they're called expansion. When I quit that time I had already quit a couple times before because the grindfeast bored me. Played a while with Burning Crusade (?) but it didn't change much so I got bored after a while again.

When WoW go F2P I'll probably start playing again.
JudasIscariot: The Burning Crusade *was* the expansion that brought the blood elves....
That's what I meant. Luckily being unclear isn't a crime because then I'd get in all kinds of trouble...
MMORPGs have a tendancy to lose their appeal after x amount of time.

The community isn't "Discovering" the game anymore... people are massively leveling up just for the sake of levelling up, more and more farmers everywhere... No more mystery and suspense.

The best time to play an MMORPG would be between the release, after they've fixed the serious bugs, and before people have learned by heart the content of said MMO...
Tarm: When WoW go F2P I'll probably start playing again.
I don't think that's ever going to happen, at least not in the near 5-10 years
Tarm: When WoW go F2P I'll probably start playing again.
Roman5: I don't think that's ever going to happen, at least not in the near 5-10 years
Yeah. Nothing I lose sleep about. I can easily live without WoW.
I played all the way from the beginning vanilla to the end of WotLK, but I quit shortly after Icecrown Citadel because I was getting bored. I did come back at the beginning of Cata and played until Firelands was introduced, but I quit again after that and I currently have no plans on attempting another return with MoP. I just disagree with too many design changes for me to ever return.
I have all four boxes so far as collector's editions, but I haven't played regularly in a few years years, I last played for about a month after Cataclysm was released, and before that short and weak surge of interest, I hadn't played for several months, and only played seldom at short intervals for a good while. I'm unlikely to get Pandaria despite being interested in seeing the new areas (At level 60-odd I haven't even explored most of Outland, not to mention Northrend or the Cataclysm areas).
I have not been in WOW since the burning crusades days and I have not even reached outland since my brother was hogging it up so I missed WOTLK which I regret since that was the expansion I was waiting for which I wanted to see what happened to Arthas after Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
Post edited May 17, 2012 by Elmofongo
I did play since around 2004 or 2005, only remember some boss firsts and when they took my rogue's swirly ball away,...but I quit near the end of WOTLK, the daily farming finally made it too boring for that I'm thinking, I would had quit much earlier if it wasn't for the guild I was in which was lots of fun.

Mists of Pandaren...before Burning Crusade came out I was joking that it would be about the pandas...but I won't resub, most of my friends that played wow already quit aswell so no reason to go back to wow
Elmofongo: I have not been in WOW since the burning crusades days and I have not even reached outland since my brother was hogging it up so I missed WOTLK which I regret since that was the expansion I was waiting for which I wanted to see what happened to Arthas after Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
The story is great, but pretty sad. I've said enough!