Posted May 17, 2012
So I haven't played WoW Since 2010, when WOTLK was all the rage
Today I bought a WoW Cataclysm Collector's edition brand new and sealed for 18 Euro and finally upgraded from WOTLK to Cata, I'm thinking about Starting new and fresh on Outland EU PVP once MoP launches, I'm thinking a Fire Mage since I've already played SPriest/AFFlock and Rogue to death
My question to you is: Are you planning to resub once MoP launches? Do you still play? Did you play? did you purchase the Annual pass that came with the Free Diablo 3?
This thread is dedicated to all the Veterans, like me, who have played WoW since 2004
Classic Media:
What it was like to play During Launch
You Stole my Fucking cloudsong
Lore, lol
50 Fucking DKP Minus
Today I bought a WoW Cataclysm Collector's edition brand new and sealed for 18 Euro and finally upgraded from WOTLK to Cata, I'm thinking about Starting new and fresh on Outland EU PVP once MoP launches, I'm thinking a Fire Mage since I've already played SPriest/AFFlock and Rogue to death
My question to you is: Are you planning to resub once MoP launches? Do you still play? Did you play? did you purchase the Annual pass that came with the Free Diablo 3?
This thread is dedicated to all the Veterans, like me, who have played WoW since 2004
Classic Media:
What it was like to play During Launch
You Stole my Fucking cloudsong
Lore, lol
50 Fucking DKP Minus