tinyE: I was actually joking. That was an episode of Seinfeld; I had no clue it really happened! :P
QC: That's why you don't quote t.v. without looking it up first. Television on a whole is pretty uninspired, so stuff like that is based on real events. A woman was convicted on a drug charge for opium, and she took it to court arguing that it was caused by her poppyseed bagel (Which is concentrated in about 10 parts per million I think), she overturned the conviction after. Not sure if she got her job back.
If they only had a drug test, then they shouldn't have been prosecuting for opium. It's relatively unusual for a junkie to not have paraphernalia to go along with the junk. And the ones that don't have the paraphernalia tend not to get busted.
Also, drug tests aren't supposed to be given to the police.
kazmar: UPDATE I got my stuff back!
So some students handed in my bag to security it all seems to be there including the kindle, someone had gone through all the pockets, but nothing appears to have been taken. And on turning on my kindle it doesn't seemed to have been accessed.
I'm guessing he was looking for money, laptops, phones, ipads etc... something for a quick sale. So yay, and I still get to give the pictures to the police so a win win.
That's actually relatively common. My friend had her wallet pick pocketed when we were traveling together last year. I found the wallet about an hour later with everything except the cash.
A kindle is probably not easy enough to fence which is probably why it was still in the bag.